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After the T-drone lifted to the ceiling, the room emptied and the band put down their instruments. No one seemed to be in the mood for dancing.

I lifted Annie into my arms and kissed her forehead. "It's okay now, everything's okay."

Wisely, Sams had slipped away. Marta took Annie from me and we hurried back to the family tent. We didn't know how much longer we'd have before the Interaction Period ended, and it would be Granddad's only chance to see his girls again until the next IP.

Granddad remained strong, not letting the news shake him in the least. The rest of us were weeping, including Annie. "Everyone...this is good. Free of the burden I represent, Marta and Annie will thrive on their new plot. I don't know much about Sams, but we must give him a chance."

"Are you kidding?" asked Marta, exasperated. "He held a knife to your granddaughter!"

"While his act was despicable, from what you've both told me it was also an act of desperation. Remember the rash actions of your brother? No one can predict what the zone will drive people to do."

"At least Sams isn't some fat old man," I told Marta.

"Not funny," said Marta, wiping her eyes.

"Sorry," I said, my attempt to defuse the situation with humor failing miserably.

"Marta, I'm proud of how strong you've become. You'll be fine. And there's no need to fret about me."

Marta's lip trembled. "Pop, that's impossible."

We all shared a long hug, during which Granddad finally shed a tear. We did our best to explain to Annie what was happening, but she was having a tough time comprehending the situation. I gave her my collection of carvings in a little woven bag and she seemed overjoyed.

"Is the little chicken in here?" she asked, grinning.

"Yup, I know that was your favorite," I said, my lip quivering.

"And it's mine now? Don't have to give it back no more?"

"No, it's all yours. There's also a donkey, a rainbow, and little carvings of me, Granddad and Marta in there."

Annie hugged me tight. "Thank you Dant!"

I'd miss hearing her drop the H from my name. "You're welcome, sweetie."

Time seemed to crawl until the Factory Trill sounded. Granddad and I said goodbye to Marta and Annie one more time then hurried to dress into our work clothes. None of us mentioned Granddad's doubled quota—there was nothing to say.

The Ashen Wrath (Watty's SHORTLIST recipient 2018) CHAPTERED VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now