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Evening brought the Factory Trill. Lacking options, we all pretended it was a night like any other, although Granddad may have hugged everyone a little bit longer.

I found it difficult to concentrate on my work, but Granddad seemed to have more drive than ever, making it through his shift without incident. Still, I wasn't surprised to see the stilt strider approach us as we left the factory. The people around us scattered as the black machine lowered and shined a red light on my grandfather.

"Easy boy, stay calm," said Granddad, motioning to me. He stood still and waited for the worst. Unlike the daily field checks, there were no quota reports for factory work unless a change was required.

The empty, ebony face of the stilt strider displayed a green equal sign, signifying Granddad had made his quota. I held my breath for the next light. Two green arrows pointing upward flashed before the stilt strider stood up and stomped away.

I was worried granddad's quota would be cancelled, thus ending his usefulness, thus ending his life. Instead, the Privus had just doubled his factory work. I was in shock. "What just happened?"

"Good news," said granddad, cracking a smile.

"But how could you possible meet that—"

"Don't you worry. Let's get home and tell Marta."

I was relieved and anxious all over again. Even spared field work, I knew grandfather's body couldn't hold up to a such a demanding pace for long. I had to do something.

The Ashen Wrath (Watty's SHORTLIST recipient 2018) CHAPTERED VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now