Chapter 3: Avocato

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I was able to free myself with a pocket knife I had in my coat pocket. I untangled myself, sat up and saw what probably was a reverse situation.

Karma probably came and got some payback from Terk.

I see Terk, now on the ground with a gun pointed at him. One foot was on his stomach, and looking at where it's coming from revealed who it was.

It was....a ventrexian?

The dude had dark blue-ish fur, with white fur in the middle of his face. He was also wearing bounty hunter attire, or at least that's what I assume.

He was handsome looking.

Wait, what? Did I just say that? No I didn't. You didn't hear anything.

There was a dude that was in costume, but he got whacked by Terk before he was pinned down. All I remember is that the other guy in costume was screaming for help before falling off the balcony walkway.

Hope he's okay

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you after leaving me to die on that ship!", the ventrexian yelled in anger.

"Because I know where your son is", Terk replied.

"My son? Where? Where is he?!"

"Holding Cell 43."


"Now let me go."

The bounty hunter lowers his gun and lets Turk go. As he starts to leave, I see Terk raise his gun and aiming it at the guy.

I sock him in the face and pull out my blaster. And then, I did the unthinkable.

I pull the trigger.

Blood splats onto my face and grabs the bounty hunter's attention.

"What the......?", he mumbled in a serious-horrified tone.

I dropped the gun. I had never done this before.

"H-he was going to shoot you! I didn't r-really think this through!", I yelled, wiping the blood off of me.

"No, it's fine. I just didn't think you had that kind of strength in you. Oh man....", he said.

"You're welcome, by the way. If I didn't overreact, then you would be dead."


"No problem, man."

He started walking away and I felt like telling my name. I felt like asking if he wanted to hang out some-- AGH MY STUPID LITTLE BRAIN, STOP TORTURING ME.


He turned his head around and replied. "Yeah?"

I started thinking up possible solutions on how to spend more time with this guy, and then it hit me.

"Need any help on your mission? I assume you're on one right now, being a bounty hunter and all that."

He gave me a suspicious look. "You're not trying to kill me, are you?", he asked me.

"Dude, I just saved your freaking life."

He then paused for a bit without saying anything. Then, he grabbed my hand. "Follow me."

We both ran down an alleyway. Several, actually.

We then came to a halt near a wall with bars on some windows.

He then looked directly. "My son is locked in there, and I'm going in to get him. Do you think you can be my backup?"

I was blushing a little as he looked at me with his eyes. They were pretty, those eyes of his.....AGH ITS HAPPENING AGAIN.

"Y-yeah. I can do that."

"I really appreciate it......I'm sorry, I didn't even get your name."

"Pawblo. At your service."

"The name is Avocato."

His name even sounds rugged.

I then stand there and analyze how we're gonna get there. An idea pops into my head and I pull out a grappling hook gun from my inside coat pocket. I hand it over to Avocato.

"You had this on you?"

"Well, yeah."

He shot it towards the bars on one window and he grasped my hand. "Hang on tight."

I clenched his hand harder and we both skyrocketed towards the window. He cut the bars with a laser and we both head into the depths of prison unknown.

It was dark. Pretty dark. I held Avocato's hand the entire time. Sure, I'm a grown man but I still have a phobia of really dark places.

We come to a glowing protective glass cell, lit neon green. I then see another ventrexian, a child.

Avocato runs towards it and got the child's attention. "Sit tight!"

The kid noticed Avocato and started crying out and banging on the glass.

"I can't hear you! I messed up! I messed up bad! But I'm not gonna leave you here! I'll do whatever it takes!", Avocato yelled.

As I was just there, listening to the dialogue, I then noticed that the kid mouthed the word "trap".

Then, the lights came on. All I remember is that I was punched, and I heard the soldier's leader utter these words:

"Take them to the Lord Commander."

I then passed out.

Pawblo's Story (Final Space AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora