Chapter 13: The Real Confession (not clickbait)

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I sat on my chair, across from Avocato, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, blushing.

" like me, don't you?"

I just looked down, trying to hide the huge blush on my face.

"Y-you figured it out.....didn't you?"

Avocato nervously shrugged. "What can I say? You just appeared on my radar."

I gulped and I kept quiet.

"Pawblo, I just want to know......."

"Know what?"

"Why do you like me?"

I stayed quiet for a bit. What do I do? Stay quiet? Tell him the truth and expect the inevitable?

"It's're one of the greatest people I have ever met."

Avocato stayed silent, loss at words.

"You've shown me that....even though you have a temper care for your friends.....and most of all, a strong desire to find your son. Sometimes I wish I had the same dedication you have."

I noticed that he had small tears coming from his eyes.

"You.....really mean all that?"

I look up at him, revealing tears falling down my cheeks.


He then got up from the bed and kneeled down to hug me.

I felt frozen; felt like I stopped dead in my tracks for his actions. Was.....was he okay with this?

He let go from hugging me, the smile now large on his face.

Welp, it's now time to ask him the question.



"W-well.......will you......I mean, if you want to.....W-will y-you be my..."


"Wait, I d-didn't finish asking if..."

Avocato grabbed my shirt collar, crashing his lips onto mine. My eyes widened, but soon closed by relief as I melted into the kiss.

This kiss was even better that the last one. Why?

Because this was the kiss of accepting.

He was now my boyfriend.

We pulled away from the kiss.


"Wow, alright......"

We both stood up now. "So......we're a couple now?"

"Yeah. And I'm glad we are."

"Same here, Avocato."

He took both of my hands and held them. "To be honest, you kind of started to catch my eye those first few moments we've met."

I blush and smile a little. "R-really?"

"Yeah. You were amazing back when you smashed those corrupt S.A.M.E.S, despite your injury."

"Dawww, th-this is too much for me to handle, Avo."

"That's how much I love you."

"Aww. Love yo~"

We were interrupted by Gary walking in on us being all lovey dovey.

"Hey, Pawblo, I have an idea for be with......Avo...cato."

The three of us stood silent for a bit until I spoke up.

"Too late. We hit it off, and I did it on my own!"

"Oh my crap! Congratulations, you two! You both deserve each other!"

"Thanks, Gary."

"By the way, at the wedding, I wanna be you best man, Avo~"


"Okay, I'll just leave the both of you alone. Later!"

He then walks out, leaving us alone.

"That was awkward."

"Y-yeah, it was! Talking about w-weddings and stuff."

"Are you stammering nervously?"

"Only a l-little!"

He then pecked my lips quickly.

"Don't be nervous, Blueberry. I'm here."

He gave me a nickname!!!!!

We both yawned, and Avocato quipped, "Its getting late. We should go to bed."



"As in, we sleep on the same b-bed?"

"Pawblo, we're just cuddling. Don't be nervous."


Avocato and I walked to the bed. He threw his pieces of armor on the floor, and proceeded to take off his shirt.

Pawblo looked away but smiled.

"You know, you can look if you want, Pawblo."

Is he serious?


I look up to see Avocato, posing like he's a freaking model and making a stupid face. I laugh a little.

"Avocato, I thought you were serious!"

"Sometimes I can be the funny one."

I remove my long-sleeve shirt carefully. Avocato looked at me for a good minute.

"W-what are you staring at?"

"You look amazing."

He thinks I'm hot. Good, that's a start.


We kicked off our shoes as we plopped ourselves onto the bed.

I curled to my side, facing Avocato.

"Are you.....okay with this?"

"Okay with what?"

"Being my boyfriend and all that."

"Blueberry, I'm happy."

"Are you really?"


"Okay, I'm sorry!" I began to nervously look away.

"Pawblo, look at me."

I felt his hand on my cheek as he tilted my head to look towards him. It was warm.

"I'm okay with this. To be honest, I've been wanting to get out there and find love. Find someone that cares. You've shown me that you're that person."

We stared at each other for a bit.

"Are y-you for real?"

"As real as it gets, baby."

I smile.

"Thanks for that reassurance, Avo."

"You're welcome. I think we should sleep now."

He pulled me closer to him, his head over mine.

My head was slapped in the middle of his chest fur. I started getting all cozy.

"Your fur is soft."

"Thanks, I tend to use a lot of conditioner."

"I can tell, Avocato."

The lights went out and we both began to get more comfy.

"Goodnight, Pawblo."

".....Goodnight, Avocato."

We soon fell asleep, drifting off together into our dreams.

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