Chapter 3

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Rare pic of Dom ;)


As I was walking home I tried to process everything that happend. I passed out and then was in a bus with some random guys. It was so weird. Why did he rescue me? I had so many question.

I wondered if I would ever see him again. I mean he was cute. But he also didn't sound like he was from here. Probably on a vacation, so if something happend it wasn't forever. And I don't think I'm ready for a relationship, I still needed to get over Max.

A couple minutes later of walking I passed the road where everything happend. What would mom think of this? She's probably gonna be concerned about how late I am. Because we agreed that I would be home at five o'clock and It's now almost six.

I turned the corner and saw our big apartment building. I grabbed the keys from my pocket and opened the door to the building. I walked up a couple stairs and arrived at our door.

We live at number 36, it's my moms lucky number. I opened the door and got inside. I immediately felt the heat from inside.

"I'm home!" I said to my mom as I walked to the kitchen.

"Okay, honey! Did you get the groceries?" She asked from the living room.

"Yep, I'm putting them away right now!" When I was done with the groceries I made my way over to my mom.

"Mom you won't believe what happend today" I said and she looked at me with a confused look.

"What?" She said.

"Well, I just bought the groceries you know. And when I walked outside I started feeling dizzy, and I tried to cross the street because there was a bench. And I didn't look for cars so, I almost got run over. But-" I got cut off by my mom.

"What!? Are you okay?" She looked at me and searched for wounds.

"Mom I'm alright, trust me. But when the car almost hit me, someone picked me up and took me with him. And he basically saved my life" I thought back of the things that I still remembered.

"You sure he didn't steal anything? Or drug you?" She looked concerned.

"No nothing happend. But be happy that I'm still Alive!" That came out in a rude way.

"Sorry I didn't mean it like that" I said and looked down.

"No you're right, I should be thanking him" She looked at me and smiled a little.

"It's okay" I gave her a hug.

"Do you have his number? Or know where he lives? Because I really wanna thank him now" She said.

"No I don't and he also isn't from here because he has an accent. But I can maybe look in the area. Oh, and I also need to pick up some books for school, so I can do that right now if that's okay?" I really hoped that she would say yes.

"Okay, you can go but only if you'll be carefull, alright?" She looked at me with a serious expression.

"Yes ofcourse! I'll make you dinner when I get home" I grabbed my jacket and started walking towards the door.

"See you later!" I said and walked out of the building.

I was now walking in the streets again. I actually really hoped to see him. But it was really busy so the chances are low.

I arrived at the book store and looked at the list I had with me. I searched for them and when I found them I checked out.

I walked out of the store and I saw the record store across the road. I just had to go inside, so I started walking towards it.

As soon as I walked in to the store I tripped over the threshold. Classic me ofcourse. I got ready for me to hit the ground, but that didn't happen. I felt two arms lift me up.

I grabbed my bag that was laying on the floor and looked up to see who it was. My eyes widened.

"You!" We both said in sync and smiled.

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