Chapter 40

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It felt like we were staring at each other for forerver. Then someone coughed in the background which made both of us look to the ground. I was blushing.

"Uh... hey" I said awkwardly, this was the first time I've spoken to him.

"Hey" Dominic said in a quiet voice and carefully looked up at me.

"We'll leave you guys" I heard Michael say behind me and they all left to another room. Now Dominic and I were left alone.

"So... uhm" Dominic began.

"So" I said and looked around awkwardly.

"Do you wanna sit?" He asked and pointed to the couch.

"Sure" I said softly and we both sat down on the couch. We just sat there for a bit while we gave each other short glances.

"Look..." Dominic spoke after awhile and turned to look at me.

"I'm so sorry for letting you down and pushing you away, I-" He continued but I cut him off.

"What do you mean? I'm the one who pushed you away?" I said confused.

"What? Don't you remember that I stopped calling?" He said, he also looked confused.

"Well... yes. But I'm the one who wasn't calling anymore... and you were" I spoke and there was a little silence. It felt like time was frozen.

"I should've never stopped doing that" Dominic said under his breath, I could barely hear it.

"Doing what?" I asked, he was looking at the floor.

"...Calling you" He replied and his eyes met mine.

"Oh..." I said surprised.

"So you don't hate me?" I asked scared. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know the response.

"Hate you!? How could I ever do that...?" He looked suprised at my question.

"You're amazing" He smiled softly at me which made me blush again.

"Thanks" My voice was quiet and I looked at the floor.

"So how are you?" Dominic asked after another silence.

"I'm doing well" I lied and avoided eye contact.

"Y/N..." His face had a look on it that said 'I don't believe you'.

"Okay fine... I've been doing terrible..." I spoke the truth.

"Ever since... you know... I basically got worse and it created a big empty void in my life. As if something was missing..." I was looking at the ground while all the memories from the worst couple months played in my head.

"I still haven't gotten over it... pathetic isn't it?" I spoke and let out a deep sigh. It felt just like the 'old' days when I would tell him about my problems.

"No I don't think it is... I understand" He gave me a weak smile and I returned a little one.

"Well thanks... but I just feel like I could be doing so much better than this" I looked at the ground and then I felt his hand slowly grab mine. I jumped a bit at the touch.

"Let me help you... let me guide you through tough decisions..." He sighed and looked me in the eyes while holding onto my hand tightly.

"I want to be there for you" He smiled softly.

"I wanna fix this" He whispered and put our connected hands over my heart. Butterflies were racing around in my stomach and I could feel my cheeks get red.

"Oh... wow" That was the only thing I could say, I would've never thought he would be like this after all that happened.

"It's okay, I'll let you think about it for a day" His hand let go of mine and he stood up. He gave me a weak smile and the walked out of the room, leaving me shocked. What did this mean?


"Hey Y/N!" Ann said happily as she walked into the room I still didn't leave.

"You look happy" I smiled weakly at her.

"Shush" She said playfully and I saw her cheeks turn a light shade of red.

"But I've got some news" Ann smiled and sat down next to me.

"Good or bad?" I asked curious.

"Both I guess?" She replied a bit confused.

"So basically, Adam asked me to come on tour again and-" Ann began but I cut her off.

"You said yes" I looked at the ground with a sad expression.

"Well yeah..." She slounded worried.

"But can't you come? You have this new job function to make pictures away from home right?" Her eyes lit up.

"I could do that, but... Dominic said something to me" I started.

"A couple hours ago he said that he wanted to make me happy and help me" My voice sounded confused.

"But I don't know if-" I tried to finish my story but Ann was glowing with excitment.

"You should let him! It's gonna be so good for you, I'll finally see you happy again" Ann was smiling brightly.

"Please come with us!" She begged me.

"I really sh-" I tried to talk but Ann was faster.

"Don't you dare finsish that sentence!" She yelled playfully and pointed her finger at me.

"Come on, it'll be so much fun! It will do you so much good" She had a smile on her face.

"Okay fine" I sighed and Ann gave me a big hug.

"I'm so happy!" She was smiling and holding both my shoulders.

"We should tell the rest!" She immediately stood up, grabbed my right hand and dragged me with her.

"Guys!" She screamed through the building. We heard people talking so we walked towards them.

"Hey!" Ann had a big smile on her face while
walking into the room.

"Hey guys" Adam replied as we walked towards them.

"Y/N and I have some great news!" Ann put her arms in the air, everyone was looking curious at us.

"We're both going on tour!" She basically yelled and everyone got a smile on their face, especially Dominic. He was looking right at me which made me blush. But was this really the best thing to do?


This is sooo short I'm srry but school is making me so tired and I barely have time to write a lot but still trying my best! <3

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