Chapter 41

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Everyone started talking with each other, Ann was telling me all about tour. Then I heard someone else talking to me so I turned to my right.

"I'm so excited for you!" Michael said as he walked towards me and pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks" I smiled in his shoulder, he always made me feel like someone cared about me.

"Could I talk to-" Michael began but an annoying voice made everyone stop talking.

"Hey guys!" We all turned our heads and there was a girl with black hair walking into the room, she had a lot of make-up on.

"What are you talking about?" She walked towards Dominic and put her arms around his neck from behind. Dominic chuckled nervously and avoided eye contact with me. For some reason this made me really jealous.

"Oh uhm... Y/N and Ann are joining us on tour" Dominic spoke quietly.

"What!?" She practically yelled.

"The girls who broke your hearts?" She looked at Adam and back at Dominic but then her eyes met mine and Ann's. She let go of Dominic and walked towards us with a sassy walk.

"They didn't-" Adam tried to talk but her voice cut him off.

"You must be them" She grinned at us.

"I'm Victoria" She held out her hand towards us, but Ann and I just gave each other weird looks.

"Alright then" She lowered her hand and I could see her confidence drop.

"Let me guess... You're Ann, the annoying weird one" She gave Ann a disgusting look and Ann's expression turned to a shocked one. In the corner of my eye I saw Adam take a couple steps closer to us.

"What the hell?" Ann said confused but Victoria ignored it and turned to me.

"And that leaves you... Y/N" She was smirking.

"The depressed... lonely... bitch, that lost her mom!" An evil grin formed on her face, how did she know?

"Victoria!" Dominic yelled at her but we both ignored it.

"How do you know about... my mom?" I asked her while I felt tears in my eyes.

"Dominic told me" She said and I could tell she was enjoying this.

"What!?" This hit me hard, why would he tell her? I turned to look at Dominic but he was looking at the ground.

"I can't believe you told her" I said as a tear fell down my face, I felt so betrayed, I thought it was something between the all of us.

"Y/N I..." He looked up at me and searched for words, but I shook my head of disappointment and walked away. I grabbed my bag in the other room and searched for an exit, tears were blurring my view.

"Y/N wait!" I heard Dominic yell behind me, I started to walk faster. After a couple seconds I found the door and I was now standing in a long hallway. I had no idea where to go so I just started walking somewhere. But then I heard a door slam open, I looked behind me and a panicking Dominic was looking at me.

"Please... Y/N!" He walked towards me but I turned around and tried to ignore him.

"I'm so sorry she said that and-" He started but I cut him off.

"Why did you tell her Dominic?" I turned around and looked at him with my puffy eyes.

"She was asking me the last time I saw you... so I told her" He looked at the ground with regret in his eyes.

"I thought you would understand not to tell people about it" I leaned my back against a wall while I waited for his response.

"I'm sorry... I promise not to do something like that anymore" He stepped in front of me and grabbed my left hand.

"I shouldn't have told her" He looked at me with a look that said 'please forgive me'.

"Its okay" I sighed, I knew I was kind of overreacting but it just hurt me so much to talk about it.

"So what is she to you anyway?" I asked curious but he looked a little uncomfortable.

"She is my uhm..." It sounded like he was unsure about it.

"Girlfriend" An annoying voice said out of nowhere and we both looked to me left, it was Victoria. I saw her look at our hands and she quickly walked towards us. I was feeling jealous but I didn't knew why.

"Come on cutie pie we should get to the hotel" She grabbed his hand that was connected to mine and gave me an evil grin before she dragged him with her. And just like that he was gone... again.

Slowly my knees gave out and I was sitting against the wall. I was staring in front of me while silently crying. Just when I thought everything would be okay again, it got ripped away from me. Why was there always someone that would try to ruin my life? I sat there for a couple minutes when suddenly someone sat next to me.

"Hey" I looked to my left, it was Michael.

"Hey" I responded quietly and stared at the floor again.

"Are you okay?" He asked worried.

"I don't know..." I said confused while I played with my bracelets.

"What does he see in her?" I asked Michael and I turned to look at him.

"I'm not so sure... she has always has been like this" He answered.

"I don't know how it is when they are alone but sometimes Dominic doesn't seem like she want's to be around her" He said while I was just confused.

"Why doesn't he say anything then?" I asked.

"Maybe he's scared?" Michael looked at me concerned.

"How long have they been together?" I asked him.

"Maybe 2 months or something" He replied and sighed.

"Oh..." I whispered to myself.

"Should I ask him about it?" I asked while I sighed.

"Maybe... we'll talk about it tomorrow, it's getting late" He said while standing up and he held out his hand for me to grab.

"Where will I sleep...? At home?" I said as I grabbed his hand and he carefully pulled me up.

"You could stay at my hotel room? Unless you want to be with Dom and Victoria or Adam and Ann?" He chuckled softly.

"No it's fine" I laughed quietly and we started walking towards the exit.

"Thanks for being such a good friend" I smiled up at him and he returned a kind smile.

"I'll always be there for you" He chuckled and put his arm around my neck while our laughter filled the hallway.


Sorry for not uploading but school is making me so tired and I had barely any time to write, but I hope you enjoyed this new chapter!! <3

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