Chapter 47

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You ever had that much fear that you'd just stay in the same position and don't move an inch? That was what I was experiencing right now. Every sort of emotion rushed through my body and screams were heard from the crowd. I heard Victoria walk my way and she stood in front of me, I slowly looked up and saw her smirking at me.

"There's nothing you can do now" She softly chuckled and walked downstairs, leaving me up here.

I was a little confused with what she meant so I decided to stand up and turn around. At the very moment I looked down onto the stage I could feel a wave of panic through my whole body. I put my hands on my mouth and started to feel my eyes tear up.

There he was, laying on the ground with the lamp next to him. People in the crowd were trying to climb onstage but didn't succeed, it was a chaos in there. There were a lot of people standing around Dominic and I knew I had to get down there too.

I ran downstairs as fast as I could and quickly found my way onto the stage. I pushed through all the people around him and then suddenly a feeling of guilt fills my heart. I let this happen... My vision got blurry because of all the tears but I could still see what was going on.

I looked at his body laying on the ground, blood coming out of his nose and saw a big wound on his shoulder. I got down on my knees and tried to shake Dominic's body but I quickly felt two arms pick me up. I tried to escape but everything I did didn't work. The person dragged me out from all the people around him.

"Let me go!" I yelled and tried to push the hands of off my arm and wanted run towards Dominic. But it still didn't work so I turned around to see who it was.

"Y/N don't" The person said as soon as I turned around, it was Michael.

"Why not!? I want to help him!" I yelled and tried to run away again, I felt more tears falling down my face.

"He's gonna be okay" Michael reassured me. He was still holding onto me so I wouldn't run towards Dominic.

"What if he's not!?" I sobbed, I felt my knees become weak and let myself fall onto the ground.

Quickly after that I felt Michael pick me up again, he put his arms around my waist and pulled me against him. My legs were still weak so I was just leaning on him while I put my arms around his neck and quietly sobbed in his shoulder.

"What if he's not?" I whispered loud enough for him to hear it.

"Don't worry, there are a lot of medics inside the building and they will try everything to help him" He said in a low voice and I felt him hug me tightly.

"Get out of the way!" I heard a man scream and I immediately turned around to see what was happening.

There were two people with medic boxes and they kneeled down next to Dominic. They pulled out a lot of bandage and bottles with stuff in it. I saw a women check his pulse, It took her a bit and I was starting to get really anxious. But after a couple seconds she finally nodded her head and I could feel relieve through my whole body.

All the people around him had started to get out of the way and now there was just him laying unconscious on the floor with two people around him. Everyone could see what was happening and the fans in the crowd were still shouting all kinds of stuff. I could see a lot of them crying and looking anxious.

The medics had started to put a lot of bandage around his shoulder to put pressure on the wound. They cleaned up his nose and the little pile of blood on the floor, it looked like he had lost a lot of blood. After they did some more checks on him a person with a stretcher walked in. I was so anxious about what would happen to him now.

They carefully lifted his body and put the red and yellow stretcher under him. Then they slowly lifted him up and started to walk away. I decided to run towards them because I had to ask something. So I quickly ran towards them and I could see Michael reach for me, but he was too slow. I caught up with the people that were holding Dominic and when I looked at his face I felt even more guilty than before.

"Where are you taking him?" I asked the women that was holding him.

"We're gonna take him to the hospital to make sure he's okay" The women said in a kind voice and I still hadn't looked away from Dominic's face.

"Can I come with him?" I asked while we started to walk quicker.

"Are you a family member?" Her kind voice said.

"No" I said slowly and quiet.

"Then I'm afraid that won't be possible, but we'll call someone as soon as possible to let you guys know when and where you can visit him" She said and I looked up at her, a kind smile was on her face.

"Oh okay... thanks" I replied in a sad tone.

"Take good care of him" I whispered and carefully brushed my hand against his cheek. His face felt cold which made me worry even more, I really needed him to be okay.

"We'll try everything we can" She said with the same smile on her face.

We stopped walking for a bit because they had to open a door that leaded outside. When they opened to door I got surprised, there were a lot of fans standing outside with their phones. They probably tried to film everything which was kinda rude. There also was an ambulance in the background with the lights on and the medics had to push through everybody to get there. I could see everyone trying to get to Dominic but the security tried to push everyone back.

They finally reached the ambulance, opened the doors and put Dominic in it. I was still watching from the door of the venue and I wanted to run towards the ambulance so badly, but I knew I couldn't.

After a couple minutes of anxious waiting the ambulance drove away quickly with the sirens on. When it was out of sight I wanted to get back inside but suddenly someone started to talk to me.

"It's you again! You probably did it didn't you? Taking revenge on his possible girlfriend... you probably thought that if I can't have him, she can't have him" A girl said in a mean voice, I was confused at first but then I recognized her from before. It was the girl that called me a whore.

This was just ridiculous, I didn't want to deal with the too right now. So I turned around and quickly ran inside the building while I felt tears falling down my face.

What the f#ck just happened?

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