Chapter 23

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I just sat there, on the floor and tears slowly falling on to the ground. I was a mess right now, but I didn't really care. It wasn't busy on the street but people still gave me weird looks so I decided to stand up and walk home.

I looked at the hotel one last time, I smiled a little. From now on that building will have a special place in my heart. As I was walking back home I felt lonely, it felt like there was an empty void inside of me. I knew it was going to be hard leaving Dominic, but I didn't expect this. It hurt so much.

After a couple minutes of walking and turning corners I could see my building. I was still slowly crying, so I tried to stop and wipe away my tears. I didn't want my mom seeing me
like this. I got up to my door and opened it super slowly and hoped she wouldn't hear me.

I closed it but it made a loud noise, I put my hand in front of my mouth and waited for her response.

"Hello?" I heard her say from the living room. I didn't respond but I couldn't stay in here forever. So after waiting a couple seconds I decided to walk out of the hallway, I looked at the floor and walked slowly towards the living room.

My hair probably looked like some animal lived in it and I guessed my makeup was smeared all over my face. I looked up at my mom and she was looking at me with a concerned expression. I couldn't contain my emotions anymore, it was too painful to not express from the outside. So I bursted out in tears and ran to my mom, I sat on her lap and cried in her shoulder.

"It's okay" She said and hugged me, her hand was softly patting my back.

"Please tell me what happened" She pulled away from the hug and put her hands on my shoulders. She was looking at me while I was still crying.

"H-he left" I said through sobs and I hugged her again. After that she sat me down next to her and I explained the story of Dominic and I. It was hard to tell her because those memories made me so happy and I knew I wasn't going to be happy for a long time. Dominic made my life so much better, but now he was gone and I don't know what to do.

"It's fine honey, just get some rest for now" She put her hands on my face and gave me a sweet smile. I nodded my head and walked towards my room.

I closed the door and let myself fall on my bed. Tears were escaping my eyes again and I screamed into my pillow. I shouldn't be reacting over a person leaving like this, it was so stupid.

I sat up on my bed and just stared at the wall in front of me. I had no idea what to do right now. I looked around my room and saw that my sketchbook was lying open on my desk. I walked over to it and saw what it was, I drew this a couple days ago, it was Dominic. I smiled at the drawing, I wish I could go back in time and relive all those memories.

I closed the book and went back to my bed, I layed down and was now looking at my boring celing. I felt my eyes getting heavy, I felt tired but I didn't want to sleep. But my eyes won, they slowly closed and I was now in the crazy world called my dreams.

I suddenly woke up by a phone going off in the background. I opened my eyes and adjusted to the light. I looked around to see where the noise was coming from and then I noticed, my phone was ringing. I sat up and looked at the name, my heart skipped a beat, it was Dominic. I quickly grabbed the phone and pressed the green button.

"Hello?" I heard his voice say, I could feel myself tear up and a huge smile appeared on my face.

"Are you there?" Dominic said, I didn't realise it but I didn't respond to him.

"Sorry, hey" I softly said and more tears fell down my face.

"How are you doing?" He asked me.

"I'm doing fine, how are you?" I said and I let out a soft sob, I obviously wasn't doing fine.

"I'm good, but.. are you crying?" He asked, I could hear that he was concerned about me.

"Uhh.. no" I lied and wiped away my tears even though he couldn't see me.

"So if I FaceTimed you right now, you wouldn't have red eyes and mascara running down your face?" He said.

"Okay fine, I'm just so happy to hear your voice again" I answered and layed back down on my bed.

"Me too, I miss you so much already" Dominic said, I could hear him smile.

"I wish you were here right now" I said quietly.

"I wish you could've come on tour with me, we're already having so much fun" He chuckled softly ar the end of his sentence.

"Trying to make me jealous, Harrison?" I teased a little.

"Haven't heard that one before" He said and giggled a bit.

"Please come back" I said after a little silence. I looked at my bracelets and fiddled with them.

"I want to" He replied, I really wish I was with him right now.

"Oh, wait a second I'll be right back" Dominic said and he got silent.

"Okay" I whispered to myself. After a long silence he finally came back.

"I'm so sorry but I have to do a soundcheck right now" He broke the silence.

"Okay, that's fine" I lied, I never wanted him to go.

"I'll call you later, bye" He said and waited for me the response.

"Bye" I whispered, he hung up and I was crying again. What was he doing to me, I felt so stupid for crying over him. I had no idea how I was gonna get through these next months without him.


This is a short chapter I guess but these next 2 or more chapters are going to be a little different then my previous writing style but you'll see what I mean when I update again. Also tysm for 12k reads <3

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