Chapter 38

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"Ann no, I can't be here... I-... please take me home" I begged her but she grabbed my hand and gave me a little smile.

There were 3 things that gave away where I was, a line of people, a venue and someone was wearing pink socks. I knew exactly where we were... a Yungblud concert. I started hyperventilating and Ann tried to calm me down.

"Hey it's okay" Ann was still holding my hand and put her other one on my shoulder.

"No it's not... can we just go I-I don't wanna be here" I told her while trying to calm my breathing.

"Y/N stay calm... can you atleast try this? I want you to be happy again" She gave me a soft smile.

"How do you know that this will make me happy?" I said and it came out a little to loud which caused people to look at us.

"Don't you remember the days you were with him? I've never seen you so happy" Ann replied.

"Yes, but I'm just not ready to see him... the way we left things and how I pushed him away and-" I wanted to say more reasons why I shouldn't be here but Ann cut me off.

"Please calm down and try this okay and he doesn't know we're coming, so we could still leave once we're inside... okay?" Her voice was sweet and she was smiling at me.

"Okay, I'll try it... but don't think this will make me happy" I sighed, I was scared about what would happen but at the same time something inside me told me I had to do this.

Ann and I waited for about 30 minutes and then the line slowly started moving. A couple minutes later we scanned our tickets and walked inside. A lot of old feelings came rushing back from when I was here the first time, especially the ones I had for Dominic.

I remember that Ann and I were on the list last time, it actually surprised me that we weren't on it this time. But I guessed Dominic and the rest didn't want to see us anymore...

"Are you alright?" Ann asked and I realised I stopped walking and was staring at the other side of the room.

"Uh yeah... sorry I'm just uhm nervous" I gave Ann a weak smile and she gave me a concerned look.

"Okay..." Her voice sounded confused.

"Come on, we should get a good spot" Ann said excited and grabbed my hand. She was dragging me with her and eventually we were standing in the familiar room. Yungblud was written on the wall in pink letters and a group of people stood in front of the stage. Ann basically ran towards the stage which almost caused me to fall. We were probably standing in the fourth row.

"I'm so excited!" Ann yelled over the music that was playing.

"I couldn't tell" I said in a sarcastic tone.

Ann and I just talked about some things while we were waiting for the concert to start. I got more nervous every second, I was so scared how he would react. Every minute felt like hours, and eventually the lights went out. People started screaming and were pushing forwards. But all I wanted to do was run away.

My hands started to shake and my heartbeat got faster. I don't know if I was ready for this. A couple seconds later the lights went back on and Adam and Michael were revealed at their instruments, I could see Ann smiling in the corner of my eye. It felt so weird seeing them again, all the memories starting coming back, I felt like crying. Then Michael slammed him drums and... there he was, jumping around and a big smile on his face.

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