Chapter 14

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We all just stayed at the hotel and did something for ourselfs. One hour before leaving for the club, Ann and I went into the bathroom to fix our makeup.

"So you and Adam huh?" I smirked at her through the mirror while I was putting on blush.

"Yeah, I don't know what we are but it's nice for now" She sighed and blushed slightly

"Well you guys are cute" I smiled at her and she back at me.

"I noticed Dominic giving you a kiss on your forehead when you guys walked in" She had an evil but playful smirk on her face.

"Ann, there is nothing going on between us" I sighed and continued my makeup trying to ignore her.

"You do know I notice the way you look at each other?" She asked

"No. I. Don't. Know. Nothing is happening" I got a little irritated because I was scared about my feelings.

"Okay calm down I'm just teasing" She gave a an insecure smile.

"It's okay Ann, I'm sorry" I put down the makeup brush and sat down on the toilet.

"Hey what's wrong" Ann walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm just afraid... afraid of my feelings, what they might ruin" I looked at the floor.

"Ruin what?" She asked.

"My life, because I know if I admit my feelings for Dominic to him I'll only be focusing on him and my mom needs me" I was still looking at the floor and I played with a button on my jacket because I was nervous for her reply.

"I knew it!" Ann yelled.

"Ann.." I gave her a death glare.

"Sorry, but he has to know how you feel before it's too late" She gave me a sweet smile.

"I know but I'm still scared" I replied.

"It's gonna be okay, if something goes wrong tell me and I'll help you, okay?" She smiled.

"Alright, I'll maybe tell him tonight" My cheeks turned a color by the thought of me confirming my feelings.

"That's my girl" Ann chuckled and gave me a pat on my shoulder, I laughed.

"Come on let's continue our makeup before the boys are leaving without us" Ann said and I got up from the toilet, picking my brush up and continued.

After about 15 minutes Ann and I were finally finished, we walked into the living room where the boys were sitting. I saw Dominic look at me with a smirk. Ann got swiped off the floor by Adam and he gave her a long kiss.

We were all standing there awkwardly and Michael and I stared at each other, I couldn't hold my laugh in any longer and so did Michael. We bursted out laughing while Dominic was just chuckling in the background.

"What's so funny?" Adam asked after he broke the kiss.

"Nothing" I said and looked at Michael again, we just chuckled like weird kids. I didn't even know what was funny but for some reason I couldn't stop laughing.

"Seriously guys, is something in my hair?" Adam said and we all were still chuckling.

"No nothing is in your hair Adam, now let's go" Michael said and we walked out of the hotel room as a group.

We decided to walk because it wasn't far, but eventually we were walking for 15 minutes instead of 5.

"Give me that thing" I said and took Adam's phone out of his hands. I looked at his phone and noticed the mistake

"Adam.." I said slightly irritated.

"Yeah?" He replied

"We have been going the wrong way you shit" I chuckled but was still irritated.

"What do you mean? The arrow is pointing that way!" Adam yelled and threw his hands in the air and was questioning life.

"She is a master at Google Maps" I heard Dominic say to Adam and chuckled to myself.

"Alright just follow me, and thanks to shithead right here we have to walk 20 minutes instead of 5" I looked at him and heard the rest of the group groan of tiredness

I saw Adam walking at the back of the group and he looked kind of angry, so I mouthed 'I'm sorry' to him. He gave me a nod and a little smile I guess he accepted my apology.

After those 20 minutes of walking we finally reached the club, you could hear the music playing inside, I looked a little unsure and Dominic noticed that. He offered me his hand again and I gladly grabbed it. I gave him a little smile.

We all walked inside and the music got louder, it was hard to understand each other because Dominic was screaming something at us but I could barely understand it. But I think he said...

"Let's get some drinks!" He yelled and we followed him to the bar. Dominic ordered some shots for us. I didn't even ask him what it was but I felt my throath burn.

"What is this stuff!?" I asked while yelling and coughing.

"Whiskey!" Dominic yelled back. Well great, Whiskey always gets me drunk very fast but let's hope that there wasn't enough liquid in the shot glass.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom!" Dominic told me and he walked off, I just waited for him.


I told Y/N I was going to the bathroom so I looked around in the building for a sign. After looking everywhere in the room I finally found it. The bathroom was unisex, great. After doing my thing I walked towards a sink to wash my hands. When I turned around after finishing there was a girl standing there, she looked at me.

"Hello, what are you doing here all alone" She was clearly drunk. She put her hand on my chest.

"You're really pretty" She layed her head on my chest and looked me in the eyes, what was happening.

"Okay, excuse me can you get off of me?" I asked the girl and tried to push her away but that didn't work, she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Nooo... kiss me" She was so drunk.

"I don't think-" I got cut off because her lips were now on mine. Ofcourse I didn't kiss her back because I had feelings for someone and she was drunk. The door opened.

I looked to my right and my expression went into shock, I didn't know what to do but I saw that the person at the door got tears in their eyes and slammed the door.

Shit shit shit shit what do I do?



Also I wrote this chapter while I was rlly tired so that's why it's so weird lmao fjsjdje

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