Chapter 29

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I was sleeping peacefully but that got ruined very quickly. I felt two hands on my right arm and got pushed around. I slowly opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the light and when I looked to my right, I saw Dominic with a smirk on his face.

"Goodmorning" He said in his morning voice.

"Hmm" That was the only thing that escaped my mouth, it was too early to talk.

"It's almost 9am, please get up" Dominic begged.

"Fine" I said, my voice was scratchy.

"Okay great, I'll get dressed and make us some breakfast" He said and slowly got out of the bed. I watched him walk away and closed my eyes again. After a few minutes Dominic came back and I was still in bed.

"Seriously" He chuckled and walked over to my side of the bed, he kneeled down.

"I already made us breakfast, so can you please get out" He said and I opened my eyes, I saw him grinning at me.

"No" I said playfully and covered half of my face with my blanket while looking at him.

"Guess I'll just have to drag you out then" He walked over to my feet and slowly pulled me out, eventually he picked me up and took me with him.

I was smiling at him and he was focusing on not trying to drop me, we walked into the living room and he put me down on the couch. My mom was sitting on the other side of it while watching tv, I gave her a smile and she returned one. Dominic eventually came back and he had 2 bowls of cereal in his hands.

"Didn't know you were so strong" I chuckled as he handed me a bowl.

"I'm full of surprises" He winked at me and I just chuckled at him. We ate our cereal while watching some tv, after we finished we walked back to my room.

"I'll get dressed real quick" I said and grabbed some clothes from the floor.

"Sure, I'll start packing" He replied and I nodded as response. When I got dressed I walked back to Dominic and I saw that he was already done packing.

"Was I gone for that long?" I said while looking at him, he was texting someone but he quickly put his phone away.

"No, I didn't have much stuff with me so it only took me like 2 minutes" He gave me a small smile, he stood up from my bed and walked over to me.

"I'm gonna miss you" He said in a soft tone and he wrapped his arm around my waist while slowly leaning closer.

"Me too" I said with a smile before our lips crashed together. They moved in sync and the kiss laster for a long time, I had to cut it short because I had to catch my breath. I slowly pulled away and looked into his beautiful eyes.

"I'll promise to call you more this time" He said out of nowhere.

"It's okay, I understand that you're busy" I smiled at him. He loosened his grip on my hip and looked at the time on his phone, his expression turned shocked.

"It's already 9:50!" He said and walked to his suitcase.

"We have to go now, my uber is going to be here any minute!" He looked at me waiting for my response, but I was just looking at the floor.

"Please don't be upset, it'll be fine" He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug, I hugged back weakly.

"Now put a smile on that face" He said and cupped my face with one hand. I didn't respond.

"Please?" He looked at me with puppy eyes, I still didn't do anything.

"Fine, have it your way then" He smirked and he started tickling me. I immediately had a smile on my face and started laughing.

"There it is" He smiled at me while still tickling.

"Stop!" I yelled through my laughs and he surprisingly listened to me.

"Wow you actually listened" I teased and looked at him, he was holding my left hand.

"I just wanted to see your smile one last time before I left, and I did" He gave me a small smile while I returned one. But it was kind of a sad smile, I didn't want him to leave again.

"Uh.. let's go?" I said but it sounded more like a question.

"Yeah" He replied with a sad expression and grabbed his suitcase, he was still holding my hand.

When we walked into the living room, Dominic said goodbye to my mom and we started to head outside. I held onto his hand tightly because I didn't want him to go.

"Oh my uber is already here" Dominic said softly as we arrived outside.

"Oh" I whispered so softly that you could barely hear it.

"So, are you sure you're gonna be okay after... you know" Dominic asked concerned.

"Yes, I'll be fine" I gave him a little smile to let him know I was okay. But in reality I was kind of terrified.

"Call me when something is wrong?" He said.

"Always" I smiled at him.

"Goodbye, then" Dominic said in a quiet voice.

"Goodbye" I leaned closer to him and gave him one last kiss, it didn't last long. He slowly pulled away and let me go. He walked towards the car and put his suitcase in the trunk, we gave each other a small smile and he got in the car. I suddenly felt a tear fall down my face, the car slowly started driving but a few meters/foot away it stopped. Dominic opened the door and ran towards me.

"Please don't cry" He said while hugging me tightly. I burried my face in his chest while letting out some tears.

"Be happy please... for me" He pulled away, looked into my eyes and wiped away some of the tears, I nodded and smiled at him. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead and started walking to the car again. He got in and waved at me, I waved back at him. I tried so hard not to cry, the car started driving again and it slowly dissapeared in the distance. I felt empty, as if apart of my was taken away.

I slowly walked back into my house and sat next to my mom on the couch. I leaned my head on her shoulder. She asked me if I was okay and tears just started falling down my face, she pulled my into a hug. I thought by myself 'this is the perfect time to tell her' so I did. I told her about what happened with Mike and how I got my cut. She was shocked but eventually she was being really helpfull, I loved her so much.


Bad chapter I know, but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for not uploading a lot but that's because I'm feeling rlly bad at the moment, but I'm getting better so that a good thing. Hope you guys still enjoy reading this <3

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