Chapter 39

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Ann and I arrived at the stage again but now we were standing on the left side. There was now way we could get back to our old spots. Dominic and the rest weren't back and people were looking confused. I kind of started to get worried, what if he didn't want to play anymore because of me?

Not much later they walked back on stage and I saw Dominic's eyes search the audience. They all looked a little uncomfortable but eventually started playing again. Dominic was still looking around, scanning everything and I wanted to hide my face. But only a couple seconds later his eyes met mine, I felt my cheeks get red and I saw him stop for a moment but he quickly continued. While he was singing his gaze didn't leave me and I could feel his eyes burning on my face. Sometimes I looked away but most of the time I was looking at him, it was still really weird to see him after such a long time.

The show slowly came to an end and people were screaming the lyrics louder then before, he was playing Machine Gun. Everyone was jumping around and pits were formed. Then Dominic did something unexpected, he was standing on the barrier, people put their hands up and then he jumped into the crowd. He got towards the middle and then I noticed he was coming my way, shit. I tried to walk away but everyone was pushing me towards him...

And then he dropped... right next to me. He was laying on the ground and people immediately helped him up. I was starting to panic, he looked around him and then he noticed he was next to me. His eyes were locked in mine, we both didn't move we just looked. It felt like we were staring at each other for hours and a familiar feeling rushed through my body. Eventually people started pushing and Dominic and I got separated, I could see him snap back to reality. He quickly got back on stage and ended his show.

The stage was empty again and music started playing in the background. People started to leave but I knew I wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

"Quite a moment you had there" Ann winked at me while smirking.

"Oh shut up" I rolled my eyes and laughed a little.

"See I told you this would make you happy" She was smiling and I just looked at the ground, was this really the first time I was feeling happier? There was a little silence between us.

"So uhm... Should we stay or?" I asked Ann, there were only a few people still here.

"Stay... I kind of want to talk to Adam... if that's okay?" She replied and I could see her cheeks turn a pink color.

"You're probably gonna do more then just talk" I smirked and wiggled my eyebrows.

"Wow you're really getting back to your old self" She had a big smile on her face. I ignored it.

"But let's stay then... I guess" I answered her question, was this the best decision I could make?

So we just stood at the front of the stage and saw more and more people leave. Eventually only about 10 people were left, they probably wanted to meet Dominic. Then out of nowhere a person dressed in black with security written over his uniform, walked towards us.

"If you'll follow me" The man said in a serious voice and so we did, I saw people giving us jealous looks as we walked away. We entered a door next to the stage and suddenly we were in a long hallway.

This was backstage, I started getting nervous. I guess that I had to talk to Dominic now. The security guy had left us and Ann and I gave each other weird looks, we had no idea where to go.

"So should we ask-" Ann began but a familiar voice cut her off. We turned around to see who it was and Ann practically started bouncing around.

"Adam!" She said excited, it was like they didn't even break up. She ran towards him and Adam embraced her in a hug.

"It's been so long!" Adam laughed and pulled away from their hug, I felt like a third wheel.

"I missed you" Ann said with a smirk while winking and I almost choked.

"Hey Y/N!" Adam looked at me and smiled a little. He started walking towards me and gave me a little hug.

"You should talk to him" Adam whispered in my ear, was he talking about Dominic?

"Oh... yeah" I basically whispered and he let go off the short hug. Adam walked back to Ann and their hands locked.

"We should see the rest" He said to us and I followed him, so did Ann. There was no going back now. We turned one corner and then he stopped in front of a door. He knocked with his free hand and someone opened it... it was Michael.

"Hey guys!" His voice was full of excitment.

"Michael!" Ann happily said and gave him a hug, she walked in with Adam and I was stuck in the hallway. I couldn't do this.

"Y/N! Come here" Michael's voice sounded sweet and he pulled me into a big hug. I was surprised at first but then I hugged him back. A smile creeped on my face.

"Hey" I simply replied in a soft tone.

"Can we talk sometime? I have some things I need to ask you" He said with a little smile
on his face.

"Yeah sure" I said in a calm voice but I was actually stressed out. I was probably gonna see Dominic next, and I wasn't P prepared.

"Great..." Michael smiled.

"Come on someone is waiting for you" He said with a smirk and he started walking further into the room, I followed him.

Michael turned to his left and he stepped away a bit so I could see something. And just when I looked to my left, my heart started doing flips. There he was... Dominic. He was sitting on a couch while playing with his bracelets. Then he looked up, he probably noticed the poeple looking at him.

His eyes turned wide when he saw me and he immediately stood up. Our eyes were locked again and I got really nervous. Only a little distance was keeping us apart but we didn't move.

I could feel Adam, Ann and Michael looking at us while we got lost in each others eyes...


I know this is short and I didn't update yesterday but I was so tired and didn't feel like writing. Also school is starting for me this week so idk if there will be less updates but I'll try my best to update as much as possible! <3

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