Chapter 10

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Yesterday was amazing, we cuddled and watched the sun set. After that he told me all about his life, from becoming Yungblud to his Disney career. Definitely gonna be making fun of that.

I just woke up and already told Ann everything about yesterday. She was really excited about it and said that we would make a great couple, of course I disagreed with that. I still wasn't sure how I was feeling about Dominic, I mean every time I look into his eyes it make me feel a special way. But that doesn't mean anything right?

I decided to get ready, and for some reason I was excepting Dominic to call me even though he didn't say anything about that. Once I was finished I walked into the kitchen and made myself some cereal. My mom was nowhere to be found so I guessed she was still asleep.

I walked back into my room and sat at my desk. I put some music on the speakers and Death Dance by Palaye Royale started playing. I grabbed my sketchbook and a pencil, I started drawing while I took some breaks to eat. The finished result ended up being Dominic, I didn't do it op purpose it kind of just happend.

I stood up and put my empty bowl in the kitchen. While I was washing my hands I heard my phone ring. I stopped with what I was doing and ran to my phone. I picked it up and a familiar voice spoke.

"Hellooo, how are ya?" It was Dominic, he sounded so excited it made me chuckle.

"What are you laughing at?" He said.

"Nothing" I smiled.

"Well, I called to ask you something" Dominic said.

"What is it?" I asked curious.

"Adam, Michael and I thought it would be fun if you and Ann could hangout tonight, around 6pm? Like a small party I guess. And you guys are welcome to stay the night" I could hear his smile through the phone.

"I'm busy tonight" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh, with what?" He played along.

"Sleeping" It came out in a funny way.

"Oh really? What would you do if I told you that there is gonna be food?" He said while I gasped.

"I'll be there" I spoke really fast and just hung up the phone. I laughed at myself.

(Time skip to 5:30pm)

"I'm coming!" I screamed from the living room while struggling with my shoes. I got up and stumbled towards the door.

"Honey be careful" My mom said in the background.

I opened the front door and saw Ann standing in a dress.

"Aren't you a little over dressed?" I asked her.

"What a nice welcome" You could hear that she didn't mean it.

"But maybe, I just wanted to impress the boys" She chuckled and I laughed at her. Ann let herself in and said hello to my mom.

We walked into my room and Ann did my make-up because I sucked at it.

"So, you and Dominic seem to be getting along really well?" She said but it sounded more like a question.

"We are just really good friends" I replied.

"Yeah sure, you talk about him at least 5 times when we call and you guys look at each other in a certain way" She said while applying my eyeshadow.

"Ann, there is nothing going on between us" I asnwered.

"Are you sure, you guys didn't kiss or anything?" She asked.

"No, now shut up and finish my make up" I laughed.

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