Chapter 6

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The biggest smile creeped onto my face and I ran towards Dominic and gave him a big hug, it was weird but I felt safe in his arms.

When we let go of the hug are eyes locked, I got lost in his beautiful hazel green eyes. A warm feeling rushed through my body.

Ann coughed and looked at us.

"Oh ehm right, this is my best friend Ann" I said while blushing and looking down.

"Nice to mee you Ann" Dominic said while shaking her hand.

"Nice te mee you too" Ann replied smiling.

"I'm glad you could make it" Dominic said.

"Me too, you seem to have a lot of fans, you never told me you were that populair?" I asked.

"Yeah, there are a lot of people outside" Ann added.

"Well I have very loyal and loving fans, but I thought fame didn't matter?" He said.

"No it doesn't but a little warning would have been nice" I chuckled.

"I'll warn you next time" He smiled.

"But the people in line are about to be let in so I should go now, I'll see you guys after the show, I can't wait!" Dominic said full of excitment.

"Well you sure do seem excited" Ann said.

"See you later, have a good show" I said and we locked our eyes again. A couple second later he looked away and said goodbye to us.

"Well he sure is a handsome guy" Ann said while looking at him walk away.

"I guess so but I'm not really looking for a relationship right now" I answered.

"Well your eyes tell me otherwise" She smiled at me.

"Ann, shut up" I smiled and rolled my eyes at her.

"Oh someone is getting cocky" Ann teased.

I gave Ann a playful punch on her arm and chuckled.

"Come on let's get to the front" I said to Ann as we walked towards the stage.

Ann and I talked for a long time and the room slowly filled up with people. After about 30 minutes the lights went out, people started screaming and we joined in.

The lights went back on and there he was, with his stage outfit on and a microphone in his hand.

"How we feeling tonight!?" He asked excited. And everybody screamed as a reply.

I noticed some familiar faces, the guitar player and the drummer. Those were the guys on the bus the day Dominic saved me, I hope I get to meet them after the show again because I wanted to thank them.

He began with his first song, it think it was called 21st Century Liability. I did some research before coming to the show so I knew a couple songs.

The show was amazing, everybody was screaming the lyrics and Dominic was jumping accros the stage. He interacted with the fans a lot and he had so much energy. Even some moshpits were created.

During the song kill somebody, everybody in the room got calm and you could feel a sad vibe. Halfway into the song Dominic and I made eye contact, our eyes were locked again. You could see so much emotion in his eyes, it looked like his eyes were saying 'I need you' but that couldn't be true.

The show slowly came to an ending.

"Thank you for this amazing show, I love you guys so much! I'll be down here in 10 minutes to meet you all!" He said with joy and walked off stage.

"Wow that was amazing!" I said to Ann while smiling like crazy.

"Yeah it was, I've never seen an artist this close with his fans!" Ann smiled.

Ann and I waited about 10 minutes and Dominic came running out with a marker in his hand. He went to the front of the stage and got down on his knees to give the people a hug. He then got up and signed some stuff people were holding up.

After 15 minutes he walked off stage again and Ann and I waited for a bit until someone from the security come towards us.

"Are you Ann and Y/N?" She asked.

"Yes we are" I answered.

"Great, come with me Dominic is asking for you guys" She said and we followed her backstage.

We stopped at a door with 'Yungblud' on it.

"Just knock and the door will open" The lady said.

Ann knocked on the door and a couple second later someone opened it.

"Y/N, Ann!" Dominic said with a smile on his face and hugged us both at the same time.

"Whoa, easy there tiger" Ann joked, and we all chuckled.

"Well, come on in" He said and let us in.

"Did you have a great show?" I asked him.

"Yes it was great! The energy in the room was amazing" He said happily.

"That's great to hear" I replied with a smile.

"Hey, Y/N these are my band mates you remember them right?" He said while pointing at two people in the chairs. One of them had dark curly hair and one blond/brown.

"Oh yeah I remember you guys from when I was on the bus" I smiled.

"Yep, that's us" The one with dark curly hair replied.

"I just wanted to thank you guys for making sure I was okay when Dominic brought me in" I said.

"We did the best we could" Adam said and gave me a smile.

"They're cute" Ann whispered in my ear. I chuckled.

"What did she say?" Dominic asked.

"Oh, nothing. But I never catched ur names" I said to the boys trying to change the subject.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm Adam and this is Michael" The one with dark hair said.

"Nice names, I'm Y/N and this is my friend Ann" I said and Ann gave them a flirty smile.

"Nice to meet you Ann, and we know what ur name is, it's the only thing Dominic talks about" Michael said.

"Oh really?" Ann said with a sneaky smile on her face and looked at Dominic.

I looked at Dominic and saw him blush a little, not gonna lie it was cute.

"I am not" Dominic said trying to defend himself.

"If you say so" Adam says.

"But hey what do you guys say, we go celebrate tonight?" Michael suggested.

"Yeah sure why not" I replied.

Everybody got there coats and we all started heading out. We decide to go to a bar a couple blocks from here so we could walk.

Dominic and I were walking next to eachother behind the group. It was busy on the street so we had to walk really close, because of that our hands brushed against eachother. I could feel myself blush everytime our hand touched and eventually our hands locked.

If felt as if our hand were made for eachother, butterflies creeped into my stumach and my heart started going crazy. We looked eachother in the eye and smiled, this felt so right as if it was meant to be.

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