Chapter 46

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Where was he? Where could he possible be...? I started to run back towards the venue, I took the back entrance to get back in. I wasn't gonna walk past that group again.

I reached the back door and basically slammed it open. I started to run towards our backstage room, as I did that I looked in every hallway I passed, but there was no sign of Michael.

A few more doors later I reached ours, I ran inside and started look everywhere. He was nowhere to be found, I started to get worried. As soon as I wanted to stop looking for him, I heard a familiar voice.

"Y/N?" I turned around and saw that it was Michael.

"Michael! I was looking everywhere for you!" I sighed and started to walk towards him.

"Why, what's wrong?" He looked confused and I shoved my phone in his face, it was that one picture of Dominic and I.

"Wait what is this...? Who posted this?" He looked up from the phone and I gave Michael a look that said 'you know who'.

"Are you sure?" Michael asked, he lowered his voice.

"Well who else could it possibly be?" I said and took my phone back.

"It feels like ever since she's been around everything is going bad... as if she want's to ruin everything" I sighed and started to lower my voice in case anyone would hear us.

"I know, and I promise that we're gonna figure this out together... she's a problem" Michael sighed and sat down on a couch.

"Yeah she really is" I said quietly and looked down at the ground while letting out a big sigh, Michael seemed to notice something was bothering me.

"Hey, are you okay?" He put a hand on my shoulder which caused me to look up at him.

"Yeah... it's just that everything feels so different between Dominic and I..." I gave Michael a little smile and looked back at the floor.

"Just with the way we left things you know? It seems like none of that ever happened" I kept looking at the floor while I waited for Michael's response.

"Hey it's gonna be okay, I know for sure Dominic didn't forget about the time you guys spend" He responded and pulled me into a hug.

"You'll be fine" He whispered and we hugged for a couple seconds.

"Thanks, you're amazing Michael" I smiled as I pulled away from the hug.

"Are you excited for the show tonight?" I asked after a short silence.

"Yeah, I feel like this is gonna be a good one" He smiled with a sparkle in his eyes.

*Time skip to the show that evening*

"Have a good show" I smiled and gave Dominic a big hug, he quickly let go and gave me a small smile in return.

Everyone was getting ready for the show, people were running all over the place. The guys were getting there earplugs checked and you could heard the audience scream in the background, the lights probably went out.

"Good luck sweetie!" An annoying voice said, I turned around and saw Victoria running towards Dominic. She basically jumped on top of him and I could tell he was annoyed. Dominic had to push her off of him because she wouldn't let go, I just rolled my eyes.

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