Chapter 5

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I'm so so sorry for not updating in a very long time but I just didn't rlly feel like writing anything but I'm gonna give it another try, so hope you enjoy! (Also tysm  for 1k reads <3)


Everthing was black and there was this ringing noise in the background. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that my alarm was going off. I pressed the button and let myself fall back onto the bed. 'Just two more minutes' I told myself.

It was black again and this time the noise of a phone ringing was in the background. With irritation I opened my eyes and saw that Dominic was calling me.

Still half asleep I picked up the phone and listened to what he had to say.

"Good morning!" He sang with a loud voice.

"Hmm" Was the only sound you could make.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you?" He said with a sweet voice.

"Mmmh well kind off, why did you call anyway?" You asked with a sleepy voice.

"I just wanted to remind you that my concert is tonight, oh and you can also bring a friend if you'd like?" He talked really fast, it was too early for this.

"Oh yeah that's right, I'm excited and I'll bring one of my best friends" Your voice slowly came back.

"Okay great, see you tonight!" He sounded really excited.

"See ya" I said and hung up the phone.

I decided to get out of bed and got ready for the day. I put on a nice outfit and did my make up. When I was done I decided to tell my mom about tonight.

"Hey mom?" I said while entering the living room.

"Yes honey?" She replied.

"Did I tell you about my plans tonight?" I asked her.

"No I don't think so, what are u planning to do?" She said with a smile on her face.

"Well you know how I told you about this boy who saved me yesterday?" I looked down because I started to blush at the thought of him.

"Yeah what about him?" She asked, still smiling.

"Well it turns out he is a musician, he gave me a free spot at his concert tonight and he also said I could bring a friend!" I said with excitment.

"Wow that's great, who are you planning to bring?" She asked, while her smile was slowly fading.

"I was thinking of bringing Ann" I replied.

"Oh she would really enjoy that" She said while looking down at the floor. I could tell something was upsetting her.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I walked to the sofa and sat next to her.

"I don't know, it's just that seeing you go out and stuff is making me miss the old times when we used to do these things together" She said while still looking down.

"I know, I miss those times too but we can't change anything that is happening right now and that should not stop you from being happy and enjoying your life" I could tell my words worked because a little smile creeped on her face.

"You're right, I should look at things in a more positive way, now go call Ann and spend time with her" She said.

"Alright mom, I'll let you know when we are leaving" I said and walked into my room to tell Ann when she had to be here.

When I told Ann about the boy and concert she got really excited and wanted to come over immediately, but I told her she had to come over later because I had to help my mom. But actually I  just wanted some me time. So I told her she could come at 7pm.

The doorbell rang and I looked at my alarm clock, 7:03 pm. That had to be Ann. I made my way to the door and there she was, my best friend. We hugged and I told my mom goodbye, I closed the door and we started walking towards the venue.

"So how late does it start again?" Ann asked, she was known for forgetting some stuff you told her.

"He plays at 8:30 pm, but I thought why not come a little earlier so we could take a look backstage" I said.

"Smart thinking" She said while tapping her finger onto her forhead. She was a weird one.

15 minutes of walking later we arrived at the venue. There was this crazy line of girls outside.

"Wow I guess he is really populair, good taste in guys" Ann said

"Shut up" I gently puched her and giggled.

"What was that for?" She said while rubbing her arm and smiling.

"Come on let's go talk to the security" I suggested and we walked to the front door.

"Excuse me young ladies but you have to go to the end of the line to get in" The security said in a serious tone.

"Uhmm, I think our names are on the list?" I asked him.

"Alright then, names?" He asked in a slightly irritated voice.

"Y/N and Ann" I said to the man.

"Well what a miracle your names are actually on the list, have fun ladies" He stepped aside and let us in.

We didn't have coats so we walked straight into the concert room. But there was this group of girls blocking the doors. Ann and I gave each other a confused look.

We pushed through the group of girls and there he was, laughing, taking pictures and talking to fans. It was really amazing to see.

"Is that him?" Ann asked.

"Yep, that's him" I looked at him and butterflies creeped in my tummy, I have no idea why I felt like this but it felt right for some reason.

I kept staring at him and decided to get in line with those girls, we walked back through the doors and joined the end of the line so we are the last people to talk to him.

After waiting for 30 minutes it was almost our turn, I suddenly got very nerves so I just looked down.

"Y/N!" Someone yelled at me, I looked up to see a smiling Dominic standing there with his arms open, and for some reason I felt very safe.

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