1| Singled Out

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Notes: Originally I highkey was never going to post this on Wattpad because Ao3 is so much better? Buuut since my original plan was to post on both, here it is, a week late! Uhhh before I forget, there is a book playlist for this story, but since you can't embed links on good ol' Watty, just hit me up either here or on Twitter (at this same username) and I'll swing you the link!

Also, disregard my last minute place holder cover imsorry.


The last weathered cardboard box was plopped down onto the polished wooden floor by a pair of pink, manicured hands, a silver chain bracelet jingling as it collided with the other jewelry adorning her wrist. The pink-haired girl swiped at her forehead, letting out a breathless groan as she flopped onto a couch being carried in by a bright redhead and an equally bright golden blond boy, subsequently causing the latter to lose his grip on the armrest of the couch, the fabric slipping out of his hand and the doubled weight of the couch and the girl came crashing down on his toes. The boy let out a pained groan, struggling to yank his foot from under the frame of the couch. The redhead on the other end gasped, a second later shooting a glare at pinky.

"Mina, could you maybe move for just a sec?" The redhead asked. Pinky looked up at him with tired eyes and let out another groan, waving a hand at him while she did so.

"You know you can carry this whole couch by yourself, Kiri, you don't need his help," She half shrugged, closing her eyes in the process. Kiri rolled his eyes, using his quirk to harden up most of his upper torso as he used the rest of himself to lift, raising the couch up off of the golden blond's foot easily. The other guy, his foot now free, dramatically laid on the floor, cradling his injured foot as he let out quiet whimpers. Her point proven, the black pools of her eyes opened up, amber irises glancing at him enthusiastically. "See?" She grinned.

"Yeah, but it's easier with two people and without the extra weight, Mina" Kiri groaned, tilting the couch and depositing the pink-haired girl onto the floor next to his friend, a soundful 'oof' escaping her lips. Kiri placed the couch down and leaned on it tiredly, his skin softening as he let out a couple of pants. Mina, now sitting with her legs stretched out in front of her, placed her balled up hands on her hips, a frown taking over her bubblegum pink face.

"I bet Bakugou could've done it by himself," she challenged, earning another eye roll from Kiri.

"Anyone with half a brain knows it takes two to move a fuckin' couch up four flights of stairs, idiot," Hurled a spikey-headed ash blond, a scowl etched across his face as he carried in a foldable table under one arm and a couple of folded chairs under his other. It was Mina's turn to roll her eyes as she murmured a 'whatever', pushing herself off the floor. Turning to the injured boy who was seemingly forgotten as he rolled to and fro, she kicked him lightly with her foot and outstretched her hand to him, and he took it, allowing her to pull him up and hook his arm over her shoulder. Carrying him over to the couch, Kiri tilted his head after backing away from it.

"Do you think it looks okay here, or should we move it over to the window," he motioned towards the wide, panorama window that stretched from the ceiling to the floor and wall to wall. After sitting down her friend, Mina backed away and looked, too, surveying the rest of their living room. After a couple of seconds of her pondering, she shook her head.

"Nah, I don't think I'd be comfortable with having my back facing the window like that. Any villain could catch us off guard," She finally replied.

"Tch," Bakugou grumbled in the midst of unfolding all six of the chairs he brought up, "Speak for yourself, Pinky."

Mina waved him off and turned back to Kiri, giving more of her input. "It would be better if it faced the window instead and put the TV in front of it instead when Sero and Kyouka bring it up." Kiri nodded, his thumb pressed against his lips as he nodded his head in agreement. "In the meantime," Mina added, "I'll go see if they need help bringing up the TV stand."

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