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"Are you sure?" He asked, his hand tapping on the arm of his throne.

"Yes, my Lord" the blonde haired Vampire said, glancing briefly in my direction.

"When will the priestess arrive?" The King asked, drawing the Vampires eyes back to him.

"Three days time" the blonde replied.

I shifted uncomfortable on the throne that had appeared out of nowhere. Clearly, the King had prepared for the slight chance I might've said yes to his proposal. I mean I did, but that wasn't the point.

The crown on my head seemed heavy and weighed me down terribly, I glanced at Mekhi. He was used to wearing the crown but it sat crooked on his head, forcing his black hair into his eyes.

I tuned out their conversation and tried to remember why I had agreed to being the Vampire Queen.

I wasn't a Vampire but somehow I knew that was going to change at some point. I would've been scared, I would've begged to remain human but I had nothing left to be human for.

Mekhi had told me he would guide me through the transition of maid to Queen and from Human to Vampire.

The blonde Vampire bowed and walked away and I glanced back at Mekhi. His hood was drawn and the royal rings on his fingers glinted in the light. "I don't think this is for me" I said quietly.

The King didn't look at me but tilted his head to let me know he heard. "This is just so you can get used to being up here and dealing with matters of great importance" he replied. 

I frowned. "My Lord, I do not know enough about this world or Vampires for that matter to be making decisions like a Queen has to" I replied.

He glanced at me. Silver to blue. "I suppose you're correct," he trailed off, looking away.

"My King" a voice announced.

We both looked up to see an old man, stretching out a huge grin on his face. "Henry! What brings you here?" The King asked, straightening in his chair.

"I heard you found a Queen, news travels fast for us Vampires, you know that" the man, Henry said.

"She is not yet crowned, this is Celene" the King said, introducing me to him.

I wondered who he was to have the King's friendship and respect. "Hello" I said, looking back at the old man.

He grinned. "You are truly stunning, my lady" he said, bowing his head in respect.

I looked down at his compliment. The King watched Henry carefully as if looking for his approval. I made a mental note to ask him about it. "I have conducted a beautiful song and would appreciate if both the King and Queen would dance to it" Henry said, shooting the King a smile.

Mekhi's fingers twitched. "I'm afraid neither of us are quit-" he was saying before I cut him off.

"We'd be honoured" I said firmly, standing up.

The King looked at me, narrowing his silver eyes. Henry bowed as I gestured to the floor. Sighing, the King stood up and lended me his elbow.

We walked down the stairs to stand in front of the musician. "I hope you know how to dance because if you make a fool of me-" the King was saying as the music began.

Mekhi and I joined together and began to dance. I knew how to dance. After years of sitting in front of the television and watching dance shows, I picked it up quite easy. "You continue to surprise me" the King muttered.

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