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"So what's the plan?" I asked, turning to glance at Mekhi.

Richard shifted in the back seat. "I take you out of town and somewhere safe," Mekhi replied glancing in the rearview mirror.

"She should learn to defend herself," Richard spoke up.

"Shut up Richard" Mekhi replied.

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

I glanced at Richard. "Richard is apart of this group and he has a say," I said, before glancing at Mekhi.

Richard tapped Mekhi's shoulder. "Marry her, immediately" he said calmly.

I rolled my eyes. "So our plan is to disappear, don't wolves have accute tracking senses or whatever?" I asked, as Mekhi's hand tightened on the wheel.

"She's got a point," Richard spoke up.

"Both of you be quiet, I'm trying to think" Mekhi snapped.

Richard rolled his eyes before slumping back in the back seat. "I know you've been around a long time Mekhi but for the past three centuries you've been locked away in that castle of yours where as I've been out and about, I've met packs of Wolves who are friendly to vampires, that live in peace," He said, glancing down at his hand.

"That's impossible, wolves and vampires are sworn enemies" Mekhi replied.

"Not everyone is as uncaring as you are, sometimes people just want to survive in peace" Richard said, before his eyes met mine.

"Maybe we could go to them?" I asked, glancing at the vampire who had control of the car.

"If they live in peace than they won't accept outsiders, especially ones with the wolf King on her tail," Mekhi replied, glancing at me.

"Pun not intended," Richard piqued in.

"Point is, we're on our own" Mekhi said, after shooting Richard a glare.

"You were a King! Don't you have anyone you can trust?" I asked, bewildered.

Mekhi sighed and Richard coughed. "The list of people I truly trust are in this car" Mekhi replied.

"Pretty short list for a long life," Richard said before covering it with a cough.

"So where are we going?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I have a house that can accommodate us for a short period of time while I think of a better plan," Mekhi replied.

"Won't the wolves know of all your houses?" I asked.

Mekhi glanced at me. "I've never taken anyone to this house and I haven't been there for a very long time, before I met him even," Mekhi said before gesturing to Richard.

He lapsed into silence, and something within me knew that I should leave him be with his thoughts. "So what's your story?" I asked Richard.

He turned his head to look at me. "How did you come to meet Mekhi?" I asked.

He tilted his head slightly. "It was an embarrassing time for me," he replied.

I frowned. "Oh sorry, I don't mean to intrude," I said quickly.

"It's okay, I'll tell you because it's hilarious now," he said, leaning forward.

I bit back my smile as Richard leaned back. "My day was like any other, the only difference was.. this was the day I was going to propose to the girl I loved" Richard began.

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