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Mekhi's eyes darted across the street as his hand tugged mine. "Keep your eyes down, they aren't quite silver yet" he said simply.

I followed his order, keeping to it as we strode past cafe's filled with people. Mekhi's mobile rang just as we stopped in front of a florist.

He answered it swiftly.

"What do you want?" He answered, barely glancing at me as we began walking again.

"How unfortunate, what's the price?" Mekhi asked, looking around.

He was still talking as he let go of my hand and began to drift away from me. Sighing, I winced at the sunlight as I glanced down the street.

"I leave you two alone for a few days and then this shit happens?" A voice asked from behind me.

I whirled around and Richard stood before me, wearing a black blazer and navy blue skinny jeans. "Richard!" I screeched.

"At your service, mi'lad-" he was saying before I hurled myself at him.

I squeezed him tightly, cutting off his sentence. "Whoa! Good to know I was missed for once" he said cheerfully before pulling back.

I felt Mekhi's presence behind me. "Good to see you still alive and kicking it, my son" Mekhi said stiffly, holding out a hand.

Richard glanced at it before pushing it aside and moving forward, throwing his arms around his vampire maker. "I thought I lost you" I heard Mekhi mutter.

"You nearly did, sadly I didn't have self control while in my death stage and I attacked a criminal," Richard said before shrugging.

He turned his head to look at me. "I see you've changed sides, go vampire team!" Richard cheered, making me laugh.

Richard pulled me into another hug. "Now we can officially call ourselves, team paleface" he said grinning.

"I missed you" I said, squeezing him.

"Me too, so what's the plan?" Richard asked, glancing back at Mekhi.

The man being questioned sighed. "I honestly have no idea Ric, Celene's transformation puts us in a predicament" Mekhi said.

I frowned but threw my mental walls up so Mekhi didn't read my thoughts. "Well I have a house nearby that might hide us for a while, I know wolves are now spreading out across the globe now, no where is safe" Richard said.

"Wolves won't come to Italy, too many hunters" Mekhi said quickly.

Richard stepped forward. "Father, if word gets out that Celene has wolf blood and has been turned into a vampire, there will be a war" he said quickly.

"I'm right here you know!" I exclaimed, causing them to look at me.

I sighed. "Can someone please explain to me what's so bad about being turned with wolf blood" I said, folding my arms.

"The wolves wouod assume you were turned against your will, even if you plead to them that you weren't, the wolf clans want to find any excuse to start a war" Richard explained before Mekhi could.

"Well I was turned against my will but I'm not going to be a little bitch about it" I said, glancing at Mekhi.

A small smile teased his lips. "Point is, the wolves will start a war and the vampires will retaliate because we hate them" Mekhi said, reaching out to grab my hand.

"Well the high born vampires hate them and they're yhe ones with the most power" Richard said, glaring at his father.

"High born vampires?" I asked, confused.

"Mekhi was high born until he gave up his crown, I would be high born because Mekhi turned me but Mekhi gave up the crown so therefore I'm not," Richard said shrugging.

A car passed us on the street. "We're out in the open, we need to get indoors" Mekhi said quickly, eyeing a young man down the street.

"Lady Mck-" Richard was saying before Mekhi cut him off.

"Is dead, Lady McKinnon is dead" Mekhi hissed.

"What!" Richard exploded.

"She was the one who ordered the attack on Celene, she wasn't allowed to be alive after that,"  Mekhi said, glancing at me.

His face softened. "Mekhi! You stupid idiot!" Richard said, using his arms to exclaim.

"Still your maker," Mekhi growled.

"You killed a high born, you kill a high born and you take their place!" Richard said, gesturing widely.

Mekhi froze.

I frowned. "Wait, I'm confused" I spoke up.

"Celene, he killed Lady McKinnon who oversees all of Italy and France" He pressed before looking back at Mekhi.

"Yeah so?" I asked, it still not clicking.

"So? He has to take Lady McKinnon's place, Mekhi is now the Vampire King of Italy and France" Richard said.

I stepped back and looked at Mekhi with wide eyes. He looked shocked, frozen in place.

"I-" Mekhi stuttered.

He hadn't realised. "Mekhi! You could take Zurie down and literally be the Vampire King of France, America and Italy, you'd be unstoppable!" Richard exclaimed.

I shushed him and took Mekhi's hands. "Hey, look at me" I said, as Mekhi's silver eyes met mine.

"Whatever you decide to do, know that we are with you one hundred percent, I love you okay and if you just want to hide out and wait until it all blows over, that's fine by me" I said, looking at him.

He lifted his hand and cupped my cheek. "You'd do that?" He asked, his eyes melting.

"I'd do anything for you" I said firmly.

Mekhi glanced at Richard. "And you?"

Richard straightened his back. "On my honour, my oath to you as a son and as soldier, I will follow you anywhere" he said, holding out his hand.

Sighing, Mekhi looked at me.

"Celene.." he trailed off.

I looked at him.

"Will you do me the extrodinary honour of becoming my wife and vampire Queen?" Mekhi asked simply, making my heart stop.

Richard gasped and looked at me, waiting for my answer.

A war raged within me. Was I ready for this level of responsibility?
Taking a look between the two men that cared for me, I opened my mouth.

"Mekhi, I..." I trailed off.


Hmm I wonder what her answer is.

Let's take a poll.



Inline comment what you think she'll say!
Also yes. Another cliffhanger. I told you I was cruel.

Don't forget to vote and comment!!
Lots of love, tavana xoxox

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