Chapter 3

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Jodi approached the sheriff's car that was tucked behind the bushes. Matt parked there to catch speeders who were coming into town. With his straight nose and neatly trimmed dark brown hair, he cut a striking profile. She tapped on the passenger window.

Matt turned to look at her. He smiled and pointed to the backseat. Jodi returned the smile and opened the back door to climb in. Matt opened the driver's side door and got out. He closed the door. Matt took off his belt that held his gun and opened the back door. He placed the belt in the floor and climbed in next to her.

His cologne made her want to purr. Jodi curled up next to him and gave him a sultry kiss on his lips. "How was your day, dear?" she teased.

His straight teeth appeared past his lips. "Good," he said and wrapped one arm around her waist. "And it looks like the night is going to be even better."

She giggled and unzipped his pants. She planted soft kisses on Matt's lips as she reached into his underwear. She pulled out his anaconda and knelt down in the floor. Matt unbuttoned his shirt. Jodi took the tip of him into her mouth. She couldn't take all of him in, if she did, she'd choke to death. She could see the headlines now, Local Hotel and Bar Owner, Death by Blow Job. Her lips curled into a smile around his dick at the thought. Hell, there were worse ways to go.

Matt placed his right hand into her dark, chemically relaxed hair. His fingers massaged her scalp. "I would ask you what's so funny, but I don't want you to stop," he groaned.

Jodi stroked his shaft as she lifted her head. "I was thinking about what the headlines would say if I choked to death while I was sucking you off."

Matt laughed. "I can't see how I would explain that to Jackie."

They laughed, and then Jodi resumed the big task that was in her hand. Matt was the best lover Jodi had ever had, but it was more than his expertise in the bedroom. When they first met, they couldn't stand each other. But, after a disagreement during the break-in at Marty Schaffer's house of all places, Jodi had questioned Matt's manhood. Then, Matt had proceeded to demonstrate how much man he truly was – right then and there.

At first, they had decided it was one of those things and go their separate ways, but it was hard for Jodi to stop thinking about him. Every time she lie awake at night, her mind had drifted to how Matt had taken control of her body that night and showed her who was boss. She had gotten soaking wet every time she thought about him.

It had become apparent she had turned him on beyond belief as well because two weeks later he showed up at Garvey's. At first, he would come in and say he was just checking in; asked her and Jackie if they've had any trouble. After that got old, he would come in and order lunch. After that excuse got flimsy, Matt would come in off duty and order a beer or two. Sometimes Jodi was there, sometimes she wasn't. Trina and Jackie had been more than happy to express to Jodi how disappointed Matt seemed to be when she wasn't at Garvey's.

This went on for three months until both of them were alone in the bar one afternoon. They had a meeting of the minds and bodies that day and they've been sneaking around with each other ever since.

Matt's member had hardened to its peak. He groaned. "I think you've teased me long enough. Now, I want the goods."

Jodi lifted her head. She straddled him and pulled her black mini skirt up to her thighs, exposing her waxed sex. Matt pushed her tight white T-shirt over her breasts. He groaned and said, "When you wear this shirt you may as well not put on a shirt at all. You can see right through it during the day."

"Yeah, but it's night and I like wearing it for you," she admitted.

He smiled. Jodi planted her palms on his smooth, muscled defined chest and slowly docked. She slowly bounced up and down on his shaft.

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