Chapter 14

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Jodi opened her eyes to see Bonnie and two tall black guys staring at her. She heard the bell on the door. She groggily looked over. It was Williamson. His dark hair was neatly combed away from his face and wore denim jeans and a cream-colored shirt with a collar. He knelt down next to her.

"Hey, I was passing by and saw you hit the floor. If you wanted a man's attention, all you had to do was say, hello," Williamson joked.

Jodi placed her hand on her forehead.

"You okay, beautiful?" one of the black men asked.

"Yeah, I...I've been in Phoenix all day and half the evening running errands. I've only had a sandwich."

"No wonder you fainted. You're starving," Bonnie said.

Jodi was grateful that they accepted the excuse.

"Let's get you up and get you something to eat," the other black guy said. "I hate seeing a woman that's hungry."

The two black men and Williamson helped her up.

"I got this, guys. She's an old friend of mine," Williamson said and put his arm around her waist to steady her.

"Are you sure? We don't want to leave such a beautiful woman in distress," the skinner black guy said.

"I'm fine. Thank you for your help. You're very kind," Jodi said.

"At least let me pay for your dinner," the skinny man said.

"Oh no, I couldn't possibly -"

"Please, it would make me feel better, baby," he said.

"Well, if you insist. I'd be much obliged," Jodi said.

"Now, that we got that settled. What do you want to eat?" Bonnie asked.

Jodi thought for a moment. "A baked potato with butter, cheese, and sour cream, and a big steak."

"Surely that's not all you want. Hell, my cousin's buying. He's not cheap, baby, go crazy," the heavier black guy said.

"I want a vanilla milkshake and a side of mixed vegetables."

"How you want your steak done?" Bonnie asked.


"I'll get right on it. In the meantime, sit your butt down and don't pass out again," Bonnie said and rushed away.

"Remember to put that on my tab," the skinny black guy said.

"I will!" Bonnie yelled and disappeared into the kitchen.

Williamson walked her to the counter. They sat down.

"Thanks, fellas, I'll keep her company," Williamson said.

"Just holler if you need us," the heavier one said.

Jodi nodded her head. "Thank you."

Bonnie came out of the kitchen. "The cook is starting on your food, honey." Then she looked at Williamson. "I'm sorry, honey. Do you want something to eat or drink?"

"Just some coffee, Bonnie. Black, no sugar," Williamson said.

"You got it and I'm going to get both of you some water," Bonnie said and left them alone.

Jodi smiled at Williamson. Her head was pounding.

He patted the back of her hand. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes. I just got a slight headache and a growling stomach."

"You should be more careful. I happen to know someone who would have an aneurysm if something happened to you. You're precious cargo," Williamson said with a grin.

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