Chapter 31

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Jesse hovered above Bonnie's bare breasts. He dipped his finger in a mason jar full of moonshine. He took his wet finger and rubbed the shine on Bonnie's pink nipple. He bent his head down and suckled. His nose was still a little sore, but he didn't have to have the cotton up his nostrils anymore. He was grateful for that because he wouldn't be able to enjoy the bodacious beauty that had come knocking on his door. There was nothing better than spending a sunny afternoon sucking moonshine off of a nice, big pair of tits. This was the life for Jesse and he hoped his life never changed.

"Mmmm," Bonnie moaned as she placed her arm on Jesse's shoulder. "This sure is nice. I never had moonshine sucked off my breasts before."

Jesse raised his head an inch away from her nipple. "Give me time, and you'll end up with shine all over you, girl."

She giggled. "That sounds relaxing."

"Are you sure this is okay? I mean -"

"I know what you mean. I love him. And I love having sex with him, but sometimes I just want to relax and enjoy. You know?"

"Yeah," Jesse groaned

"I figured you were the best man for the job," she said with a smile.

Jesse smiled back at her. "I'll be sure to do a good job, ma'am." He put some more moonshine on Bonnie's D cups and commenced with his task.

His hand glided up and down her naked body. Her skin felt like silk against his calloused hands. Bonnie rubbed his bald head. Jesse's cock throbbed in his pants. He thought about getting the lotion to stroke his cock between her tits. She started breathing heavy. Jesse quickened his tongue on her nipple. She started screaming, but it wasn't the good kind. Jesse's head snapped up.

Bonnie continued to scream. Her face was full of terror. Jesse turned around to see what she was screaming at. A big, pale man wearing a black wife beater and slacks held a knife at the ready. Pure instincts kicked in. Jesse lunged at the intruder. They hit the floor.

Bonnie's screams became faint, but she was still screaming. Jesse took hold of the man's wrist. He banged his wrist as hard as he could on the floor to get him to drop the knife. He kicked Jesse between the legs. Jesse let out a howl and instinctively covered his groin. "You mothafucker!" Jesse yelled.

The man scrambled away from Jesse. Then, he kicked both legs up in the air. The front of the intruder's body flew up. He landed on his feet. Knife still in hand, he crept towards Jesse who was still trying to recover from the pain in his groin. The intruder's eyes were blue and he had no eyebrows. His smile was sinister because he had no front teeth.

This was it. His ticket had been drawn. Jesse wasn't going out like a bitch, though. On his knees with his balls and dick throbbing in pain, he looked into the intruder's piercing blue eyes and shouted, "I'll see you in hell, you creepy son of a -"

The bang from the front door being kicked open startled Jesse and the intruder. "Freeze, Sheriff's Office!"

Jesse's eyes widened. His heart rate slowed at the sight of the rookie deputy who held a cold piece of steel in both hands, aiming it at the intruder. Jesse looked at the pale ghost. He wasn't smiling anymore.

"Drop it!" the rookie demanded.

Jesse was impressed. The boy couldn't have weighed 120 pounds soak and wet. He didn't think his voice could be that deep either.

The intruder dropped the knife.

"Get your ass on the floor and put your hands over your head, asshole!" the red-faced rookie said.

The intruder did as he was told. The rookie quickly mounted the guy's back, slid his gun in his holster with ease, and pulled out the cuffs.

Jesse slowly stood as he watched the rookie quickly and swiftly cuff the intruder. Jesse glanced over to the hallway. Bonnie must have grabbed her clothes during the struggle and ran to the bedroom because she was dressed. She was watching the deputy like Jesse was.

"You want me to call the sheriff?" Bonnie asked tentatively.

"No need. I radioed for backup before I came in," the rookie replied. "It was a good thing you were screaming so loud, ma'am. I never would have known you were in trouble if you hadn't."

Jesse let out a sigh of relief. "Roger that."

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