Chapter 32

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Matt couldn't remember the last time he felt this happy and proud. They got one of those bastards. Williamson's cruiser followed Matt's to Jesse's house. They cut the sirens off when they parked.

Goldman and Carter stood in the front yard. Matt and Williamson got out of their cars. Matt glanced over at one of the cruisers. The perp was in the backseat. Matt noted he was bald and kept walking towards Goldman and Carter.

"How'd you catch him, Goldman?" Matt asked as he approached the deputies.

"Not me, General. Carter got him. I was the one who responded to the call for backup. By the time I got here, Carter was putting that dirtbag in the back of his car," Goldman explained.

Williamson and Matt looked at Carter. For the first time in a month, Williamson grinned from ear to ear.

Matt couldn't help but smile as well. "Damn fine job, Carter. How did you know he was out here?"

Carter took his hat off and scratched the back of his blond head. "I didn't. I was patrolling the area. I was driving by, and I heard a woman screaming. It came from this house. I pulled over, called for backup, and went in."

"Your first collar," Williamson said with pride.

"Yeah, he didn't need me at all," Goldman stated with a crocked smirk.

"I'm proud of ya, son. Did you get statements from the witnesses?" Matt asked.

"Yes, sir. I got a statement from Ms. Bonnie and Jesse."

"Good, I look forward to reading your report," Matt said proudly.

"Report my ass!" a man yelled behind them.

The men turned around. Jesse stood on his porch without a shirt on. "Sheriff, you better give that boy an accommodation or whatever it is you give cops when they go beyond the call of duty. That crazy-eyed mothafucker snuck into my house, try to stab me, kicked me in the balls so hard my dick retreated, and then tried to stab me again! That boy saved my bacon!" Jesse shouted.

"I'm glad he did and don't worry. Carter will be recognized for his work," Matt said.

"He better be. The rookie got some brass ass testties. Hey kid, once this is all over, come back by and I'll give you all the beer you want to drink," Jesse said.

Carter grinned from ear to ear. "That sounds good."

"Good. Listen, guys, Bonnie is having a cool drink, but when she's done, I'm going to escort her home. She's pretty shaken' up."

"Was she hurt?" Williamson asked.

"Nah, just rattled."

"All right, Jesse. Thanks for seeing the lady home," Matt said and refrained from asking what the hell was she doing out there in the first place. "Williamson, Goldman, I want you to search the area. See if this SOB arrived by car. Come on, Carter. Introduce me to your new friend."

"Yes, sir," Carter said.

Matt and Carter walked over to the cruiser.

"That's him," Carter said. "He wouldn't give me his name. He won't say anything at all."

Matt leaned down to get a good look at the perp. The perp looked right into Matt's eyes. Bald, no eyebrows, and blue eyes – he fitted the description that Jones gave him.

"Who are you working with? You tell us, the DA might go easy on you," Matt said sternly.

The man's mouth opened into a smile. His front teeth were missing. The sound of snickering came from his nose.

Matt stood up straight and looked at Carter. "Did you and Jesse knock this man's teeth out?" he asked with annoyance.

Carter was taken aback by the question. "No, sir."

Matt patted Carter on the shoulder. "Take it easy, son. It's just a little cop humor. I know you followed the book."

"Oh," Carter said.

Matt walked Carter away from the cruiser so the murderer couldn't listen to their conversation. "All right, Carter. I want you to take him down to the station and book him. Run his mug shot through the database, see if we get a hit."

"Yes, sir."

Matt couldn't keep pride from swelling in his chest. He knew Carter would make a good deputy despite his size. He was small, but he was quick and he could think fast on his feet.

"If anyone needs me, I'll be at the DA's house. I want to check on Lawrence and I want to tell Jacobs that we got at least one of the bastards."

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