Excerpt from Garvey's Return: Book 3

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Matt arrived at seven o'clock on the dot at Mindy's. He gave her a small bouquet of daisies. It has been his experience that women loved getting flowers. She actually bounced up and down with joy when he gave them to her.

They sat down to eat. They had banana pudding for dessert. They went into the living room to let their food settle. They sat on the flower-colored couch and Mindy cut on the TV. She flipped through the channels.

"Oh, Friday the 13th is on," she said with a hint of disappointment.

"You don't like scary movies?"

"Not really. Cindy makes me watch some with her. She likes them, but she gets just as scared as I do. I don't understand why people want to be scared on purpose."

"It's the adrenaline rush that people like, not necessarily the being scared part," he stated.

"Oh, do you want to watch it?"

"Not if it will make you feel uncomfortable."

"Well," she said and scooted back on the sofa. "You are a guest and I want to be a good hostess. Maybe it will be okay, I got one of the town heroes by my side," she said with a smile.

"Uh, I don't know about being a hero, but I wouldn't let any harm come to you."

"You're so modest. That's what I like the most about you."

They watched for a moment. All was well until Jason's music kicked in.

"Oh, god. Oh, god!" Mindy cried.

There was a part of Matt that wondered if he could get her to say that for him. The other part of him asked him if he was crazy. His mind started to have an argument about whether he should put the moves on her or not.

While Matt contemplated, Mindy let out a scream and jumped up. He jumped up, too. Wow, she really was scared. "Okay, I think that's enough of Jason for the night." He grabbed the remote control and turned off the TV.

He placed his hands on her upper arms. "Are you all right?"

She was out of breath. "Yes...I'm fine. Maybe we should watch something else." Then, she looked up into his eyes.

Matt felt an old twitching in his pants that he hadn't felt in months – not since- no he won't think about her. Not now. She broke him in half and left town. He had thought about her long enough. He was flesh and blood and he wanted, no, he needed some sort of satisfaction. The last thing he wanted was to go home to an empty house again.

Matt bent his head and kissed her pink lips. Mindy responded by putting her arms around his neck. His hands curled around her waist. They kissed each other for what seemed like forever before Matt slipped his tongue between her lips. He didn't want to go too fast, she was so angelic. Mindy sighed against his mouth. It was a sweet sound. He pulled his tongue back and gave her lips a lap before pulling his head up.

She was breathless. "Oh, I... I want this. I want you to be here," she confessed.

Matt could see she wanted to tell him something. "But?"

"I've only been with a man...once. I'm not...experienced. I just thought you should know that," she squeaked out. "I know very little...about...um-"

Matt placed his index finger over her lips. "I understand and I don't mind. I am not going to pressure you either. If you don't feel comfortable, we don't have to do this." He slowly removed his finger from her lips.

"Oh, no, please don't go. I'm just...not sure what I should do next. The first time which....was a very long time ago," she said and blushed. "It just happened. The guy I was seeing he...just raised my...skirt...pulled my panties down and it happened. I guess there was no reason to get undressed. It didn't last that long."

She was sharing information with him that she thought he needed to know. He knew that she didn't mean for her story to be a challenge, but Matt couldn't help but take as one. "I assure you it won't be that way with me."

"Oh? How will it be?"

Seriously? She was asking this. "Um, have you ever seen movies that had sex in them?"

"Yes, I mean not the really dirty ones. Just movies that happen to have lovemaking in it. Actors make it look more...well...they make it look great."
"It is great if done correctly."

"I...I trust you...what do you want to do first?"

Matt was in it now and he was going to take it to the finish line. "Let's go to your bedroom."

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