Chapter 41

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Matt pulled up to the sheriff's office. The black Chevrolet was there. Matt got out of the car slowly. He walked past the Chevrolet. He couldn't see much because of the tinted windows. He slowly walked to the door of the station and pulled his weapon. Jacobs and Williamson were looking for alternative routes in.

Matt walked through the door and gently closed it. He looked over to the side where the switchboard was. It looked like they took a hammer to it. He crept closer to the office. Patty was on the floor. A big bruise had formed on the side of her face. Matt rushed over and checked her pulse. It was strong. Bastards.

He thought about radioing to get her assistance, but there was no one to spare. Plus, he didn't want to put anyone else in danger. It sickened him, but he had to leave her where she was, for now.

Matt got to the hallway. He could see Carter on the floor. Matt fought the urge to rush because he didn't want Marty to hear him. Matt finally got to Carter and knelt over him. He was out cold. Look like his left eye was swelling closed.

Matt crouched the rest of the way because he was getting to the offices that had windows. He didn't want them to get the jump on him with a bullet. He started to hear murmuring the closer he got to his office, which was the last one down the hall.

He had moved into the bigger office because it was enough space to put a couch in. That way he didn't have to sleep on the shitty cot downstairs when he spent the night at the station. There was a second door to his office that led outside. With any luck, Williamson and Jacobs are there, now. Matt knew it was locked, but the window glass on the door was breakable.

The door to the office was wide open. The glass wasn't see through so he couldn't see what was going on, but he could hear the talking more clearly – and whimpering.

"Come on, Bonnie. We brought Ghost fresh clothes and you still won't give him the time of day." It was the voice of the man who hung out the car window.

That's when Matt realized it was Paul Ernstein. He was completely transformed. From what Matt could tell from the car chase, he wasn't wearing his glasses and his teeth were straight.

"I don't know what you think you know about Ghost, but let me fill you in," Marty began. "He's a good guy. He knows how to treat ladies with respect. He went up the river because of a lying bitch. Ghost was seeing a woman. They were at his trailer doing the deed. This bitch's husband catches her and Ghost while he was in full pump mode."

"Yeah, that was bullshit. Ghost didn't know the woman was married," Paul stated.

"Yeah, then the wife starts screaming for her husband to help her. That Ghost was assaulting her. And he believed that shit. He and Ghost got into a fight. Of course, Ghost won, but the cops didn't believe his story," Marty explained.

"The jury didn't either," Paul added.

"So, you see, he's not what you think he is and he loves blondes," Marty said.

"Well, if that's the case, tell him to put the knife down and talk to her like a human being," Jodi said and then coughed.

"You should save your strength until Kirby gets here. It shouldn't be much longer. Hell, it can't be that hard to figure out the clue," Marty said with annoyance.

"Ghost needs that knife to make it clear to Matt that we are serious, baby. And Ghost doesn't talk much to strangers," Paul said.

"Yeah, being convicted for something you didn't do, especially an assault charge, can fuck a man's head up. Poor Ghost, he was a Marine, the baddest jujitsu motherfucker they had. He served our country and they sent his ass to prison," Marty said. "But, enough about the matchmaking, let's get to this sexy thing next to me."

"Get your hands off me," Jackie sneered.

"I just want to get my hands on those lovely shoulders. You know, as pissed as I am about you setting me up in Phoenix, I still want to fuck your brains out. Hell, let's have one of Garvey's famous orgy sessions, right here. I'm getting tired of waiting for Kirby."

"Go to hell," Jackie spewed.

"It's the mustache, isn't it? You don't like it," Marty said flatly.

Matt had heard enough. He stood up and rounded the doorway and cocked his gun. He pointed it right at Marty. "I have to admit, you look damn good, Marty, but I don't think the lady is interested."

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