Chapter 44

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Jodi slowly paced the floor of the waiting room along with a couple of deputies. The EMTs had arranged for Matt to be flown to Phoenix. Matt Kirby had been in surgery for three hours. While they were there, Jackie checked on George. He was unconscious, but he was breathing on his own. However, the next twenty-four hours were critical for him.

When Matt had been wheeled into surgery, Jackie had insisted that Jodi get checked out. The emergency room doctor was very discreet. It took an hour and a half for him to do an ultrasound, check her lungs, and to take her blood. In the end, the doctor told her to keep drinking liquids and gargle warm salt water for her throat. Everything was fine on the baby front, but the doctor told her to stay off her feet for at least another week as a precaution. As soon as the doctor released her, Jodi had gone back to the waiting room.

Williamson had stayed behind to run disaster operations in town. He had wanted to come to the hospital with Matt, but he was the only one who had enough experience to lead and organize recovery operations. Medical professionals were able to treat Daniel, Patty, Jesse, and Carter in town. Jesse had a second-degree burn on his left arm and the bullet that hit him went straight through. He would have to wear a sling for a few weeks. Carter had two bruised ribs, a busted lip, and a black eye. He also had a knot on his head. Patty had a concussion and a nasty bruise on her face. Dalton had stayed behind with Williamson. Lawrence and Goldman showed up at the hospital forty-five minutes ago.

Lawrence and Goldman thought Jodi and Jackie were hanging around because of George. Which was true, but they were also there for Matt.

Jodi stopped pacing as she came to a horrible realization. Why were they taking so long? It must be serious if it was taking this long. What if Matt died? She could feel the blood draining from her face.

Jackie appeared out of nowhere, "Why are you on your feet? The doctor - what's wrong?"

Tears weld in Jodi's eyes. "He's been in there for three hours. Three. All they have to do is remove the bullet, right?"

"Yes, honey, but it might be in a place where they have to be careful," Jackie said softly.

"He got shot, Jackie. He got shot saving me. The man . . . he could die," Jodi said as she tried wiping the tears away. "Matt could die and I never told him I loved him. That night . . . before he left . . . when we broke up - he told me he loved me and I said nothing, Jackie," Jodi hissed loudly. "I didn't say it back. I couldn't. He would have stayed if I did. The man I love could die and I never told him I loved him," Jodi sobbed.

"He's not going to die and lower your voice," Jackie whispered. "Matt's tough, he'll get through this."

"I never told him I was -"

"Shhhh!" Jackie hushed loudly as she shook Jodi's shoulders.

Jodi slowed her sobbing to following Jackie's eyes over her shoulders. Jodi's puffy face turned around to Lawrence and Goldman looking at them with wide eyes.

"Oh god," Jodi moaned. She started feeling light-headed.

"Damn it, Jodi, sit down," Jackie hissed and moved her to a chair.

The two deputies helped Jackie to get Jodi to a chair.

Goldman knelt down to Jodi's level. "Now, just take slow deep breaths," he instructed. "Everything is going to be all right."

Jodi found his voice soothing. She did what he said and she didn't feel light-headed anymore, but Lawrence and Goldman heard her. They heard that she loved their sheriff and that he loved her. Will they tell? Matt's reputation would take a severe hit if it got out that he'd been seeing the orgy hostess.

"Thank you, deputies. As you can see my sister is very distraught. I'm sure the sheriff would appreciate it if you kept what you heard to yourselves," Jackie said in a serious tone.

"Not a problem. I figured something was up when Carter mentioned that Jodi seemed more than concerned when the sheriff got shot," Lawrence stated.

"More like Carter asked us if you two were dating. We told him we didn't know," Goldman reiterated.

"Oh god," Jodi moaned with distress. "He's an elected official. If it gets around that he'd been sporting around with the town whore -"

"It won't," Lawrence said with strength. "We'll make sure of it."

"And you're not a whore. I better not hear you say that about yourself again," Goldman said sternly.

Jodi was taken aback by their response. "I . . . I . . ." she stuttered, and then looked at Goldman. "Yes, sir."

He smiled. "I'm going to go get you some water."

Another hour and a half passed before the surgeon came into the waiting room. He was wearing green scrubs and a white cap. His face mask hugged his chin. "Kirby," he called out.

Everyone stood. The surgeon walked over to them.

"Please tell me he's all right. You were in there for four and a half hours," Jodi whimpered.

"It took longer than we first expected. The bullet broke into four different fragments, but I got them all out. I had found one that grazed his liver."

Jodi gasped.

"It's okay, ma'am. It was just a graze. I was able to repair the damage."

"He had lost a lot of blood by the time he got here," Jackie stated.

"We gave him three pints of fresh blood," the surgeon said.

"So, he'll make a full recovery?" Lawrence said.

"He'll be sore for at least three to four weeks, but yes. He'll make a full recovery. That young man is strong as an ox," the surgeon said and gave them a small smile. His eyes were bright.

Jackie and Jodi embraced. Lawrence and Goldman let out a little holler of victory.

"I knew he'd pull through," Lawrence said with a big grin.

"He's in recovery, now, but we'll be moving him to a private room in an hour. He'll probably still be out of it, but you can visit for a couple of minutes," the surgeon said.

Jodi looked at the surgeon and said, "Thank you."

When Matt was taken to his room, he was still unconscious. Jodi and Jackie waited outside the door. It was cracked open. They heard Matt waking up. Goldman came out into the hall. "Come on, ladies. He's waking up. I'm sure he would love to see you, Jodi."

Jodi's breath caught. She desperately wanted to see him; to caress his face, to kiss his cheek, and to hold his hand. She didn't want some horny nurse taking care of him. She wanted to take care of Matt, but she couldn't. "Thank you," she whispered. "But we should go check on George. We left him all alone."

"Jodi -" Jackie started.

"It's okay. Please tell him I was here and that I am glad he that is all right. Tell him that I'm all right thanks to him," Jodi said.

"Um, okay, if you're sure," Goldman said tentatively.

"I am, thanks," Jodi said.

Goldman slowly nodded and dipped back in the room. He closed the door.

Jackie and Jodi started walking down the hall.

Jackie stopped. "You don't have to go with me to see George. I understand if you want to stay with Matt."

"It's not that Jackie. I'm afraid if I see Matt looking weak and vulnerable I will never leave his side. I'm afraid I will . . . tell him things I shouldn't. I don't trust myself to see him," Jodi admitted.

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