Chapter 30

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Matt was in his office at the station. He was going over the forensic reports for the third time, but this time it was with Williamson.

"There was a reason why I told you to bring the Jetsen file with you, Williamson," Matt said and shook his head with unbelief. "You're not going to believe this."

"What is it?" Williamson said.

"Forensics said there was dried blood on the nails that we collected off the door of my house. The blood is a match to Joe Jetsen's."

Williamson's eyes bulged. "You're shitting me."

"I wish I was. Joe wasn't killed by ex-cops. He was killed by the psycho that killed Lester Jenkins, his wife, and the Daltons."

"Fuck," Williamson swore. He took Joe's picture out of the file folder he was holding.

It didn't surprise Matt that the blood that was on the knife blades belonged to Danielle, David, and Lester. However, it took him a few minutes to process that the blood on the nails belonged to Joe. Matt was still shocked. He didn't take into consideration that Joe's death was related to the others.

"It looks like the descriptions we have on Joe's kidnappers are the profiles for our serial killer or should I say killers," Williamson said.

Matt watched Williamson re-arrange the pictures on the whiteboard. Joe's picture replaced David and Danielle's photo as the first victim. "What is the connection? What are we not seeing? I refuse to believe that these psychos are just randomly selecting victims. Joe dealt with drug dealers and God knows who else. David and Danielle didn't mix with that kind of element. Lester and his wife didn't either. The DA's wife – didn't," Matt enunciated the last sentence.

Turns out that Francine had left the kids at the diner with Bonnie. They were hungry after she had picked them up from school, so she dropped them off at the diner. Bonnie had told Francine she would watch them while she finished running her errands.

Before Williamson could respond, the phone on Matt's desk rang.

Matt snatched the receiver from the base. "Kirby."

"Sheriff, this is Otto." Otto was one of the forensic guys.

"What's up, Otto?" Matt asked.

"I haven't had a chance to type up the official report for the bombing, yet. Hell, we still haven't got to Mrs. Jacobs's remains. But, we did get a chance to examine the bomb. I thought you would want news on this right away."

"I do. Go ahead."

"The bomb was on a timer. I had a friend of mine come in who is good with electronics and stuff. He examined the memory card. It was set to go off at exactly 5:15 p.m."

Matt's police senses tingled. On a typical day, Jacobs would have stayed at the courthouse till five. He would have had his own car if his wife's car hadn't broken down.

"Son of a bitch," Matt said at the realization.

"Excuse me," Otto said over the phone.

"Oh, not you, Otto. Good work and this information is helpful. You might have saved a life by calling."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Tell your electronics buddy that I appreciate him taking a look at the bomb. And I want to thank you and Dennis for working day and night on this thing."

"I'll tell Dennis that you said that, but it's no problem. We need to catch this guy before someone else dies."

"That's sure true. I'll talk to you soon," Matt said.

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