Chapter 29

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The next day at Garvey's, Jackie had a morning meeting in the bar with all the employees. Jodi couldn't be there because she was sick. She had gotten sick the day after her and Matt broke up. She could barely get out of bed to go to the bathroom. Jackie was afraid Jodi had the flu or pneumonia.

Jodi wouldn't take any medicine because she was afraid it would hurt the baby. She had said it was okay to tell George about the pregnancy. Other than George, the twins didn't tell anyone else.

Jackie couldn't believe their luck when a nurse practitioner, who was a guest for the weekend, had overheard her and George talking about Jodi being ill. The nurse had been more than happy to examine Jodi. She had said Jodi just had a bad cold and the fatigue and weakness were symptoms from the pregnancy and the cold. What they needed to watch for was a fever. If Jodi spiked a fever, the nurse had said to get her to a doctor right away. More than likely a doctor would prescribe acetaminophen. It was a drug used on pregnant women if they got sick with a fever. In the meantime, the nurse had told Jodi to take in as many fluids as possible and to rest.

"As you all know, the sheriff has issued a 6 p.m. mandatory curfew. I have no choice but to close the bar and hotel until the curfew is lifted. That means afternoons, too. We don't do enough business in the afternoons to justify opening for four hours," Jackie explained.

Everyone remained quiet.

Jackie continued. "I can't pay you if you're not working. We don't know how long this curfew is going to last. If you have to find another job, Jodi and I will understand. No hard feelings."

"Thank you, but where the hell else are we going to work? We're not going anywhere," Becky, one of the waitresses, said.

"And don't want to," the other waitress, Sandy, added.

Jackie smiled. "Thank you for your loyalty. Okay, guys, that's it. Go home and stay safe."

The waitresses and the four housekeepers left. The rest stayed behind with Jackie.

"Jackie, are you sure there isn't anything we can do for you before we go?" Trina asked.

"Well, I would appreciate it if the men could check the grounds and make sure everything is locked up good and tight."

"I'll be happy to do that," Daniel said.

"Yeah, me, too," Tommy said.

"I'll go with them," George stated.

"Thanks, guys," Jackie said and sat down in a booth. Today and yesterday's mail was piled on top of the table.

Trina and Barb joined her in the booth.

"What are you girls' plans for tonight? You're not going to be alone, are you?" Jackie asked.

"Tommy insisted on coming to my apartment to spend the night. Hell, I'm not going to complain," Trina answered.

"Daniel is going to stay here with me," Barb said.

Jackie got an idea. The more of them they were, the less likely the killer would attack. "Why don't you and Tommy come here, too, Trina? The more of us there are the safer we will be." Jackie picked up a package that was in with her mail.

"That's a great idea. I'll ask Tommy," Trina said.

"Okay," Jackie said and started to take the brown wrapping off the box.

"What's that?" Barb asked.

"I don't know. I don't remember ordering anything," Jackie replied.

"Maybe it's for Jodi," Trina suggested.

"It had my name on it," Jackie said and discarded the paper to the side. She lifted the lid on the white box. It was a small black cassette player and recorder.

"What the hell? Who would send you an outdated gift?" Trina asked.

"I don't think the player itself is the gift. There's a tape inside," Jackie said. An uneasiness rose in her stomach. Her hand lifted like it was moving in wet sand. Jackie's slim index finger came down and pressed the play button.

There was silence at first, and then a deep automated voice spoke. "You're not next you treacherous bitch. You'll be one of the last. After you watch your whore sister and your puppy dog lover die."

Jackie slammed her finger down on the stop button. She was breathing like she had just finished jogging. Her ears rung from the fear of the verbal threat. She looked up at Trina and Barb whose eyes were filled with shock and horror.

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