Chapter 34

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Matt parked outside of the DA's house. He cut the engine and looked out the window. Lawrence stood outside the front door. Matt waved. Lawrence tipped his hat to him. Matt smiled. He was proud of his men. They've all gone above and beyond.

He checked his watch. It was three hours and fifteen minutes before curfew. School was out, but he doubted Jacobs's kids went to school today. Before he could get out of the car, his cell phone rang.

"Kirby," he answered.

"Hi, Sheriff, it's Williamson. Hope you don't mind me calling your cell. Thought you could hear the information better that way."

"That's fine. Whatcha got for me?"

"Carter ran that guy's mug shot. We got an ID on our John Doe. His name is Peter Francis Beauford, nickname Ghost. He just finished doing eight years at Florence State Prison for sexual assault."

Matt was surprised by the bio. "How did he go from assault to murder?"

"It wasn't that big of a jump. Before he went away for assault, he was arrested for killing a kid in a fight. They reduced the charges because it was self-defense, but he still had to serve a year, though."

"How'd he kill the guy?"

"Beat him to death. Believe it or not, Ghost was minding his own business. He was walking down the street and some kid decided to mug him. He kicked the knife out of his hand and beat the kid to death. He got a year because the judge thought he went over the top and the kid had just turned eighteen."

"Damn. Has he said anything? Given anybody up?"

"Nope. Hell, we asked him if he was hungry and he still didn't say anything," Williamson said.

"Hmmm. Okay, keep at him. Anything else?"

"Um, yeah, we searched his pockets. He had pictures of Jesse, Bonnie, Lester, Jacobs, Jackie, George, Jodi, Danielle, David, and even Joe. Looks like he's been watching them for some time."

Matt fought to keep his composure. The thought of some creep watching Jodi made him want to hit something - or someone.

"And you," Williamson said.

"And me what?"

"He had a picture of you, too, Sheriff," Williamson explained.

"What the fuck?" Matt blurted.

"That's what I said. He or his friends are targeting all of you for a reason."

"The only thing I can think of is that I know all those people and -" Matt stopped talking. They were all friends and what they had in common was that they sent Marty Schaffer to prison. Matt shook his head at the thought. No way. Marty couldn't have a hand in this. He was in prison and he wasn't up for parole for at least another year. Marty might be a prick, but he wouldn't team up with someone like Ghost. Even if he did, he wouldn't have the brains, the ambition, or the stomach to pull off all the chaos that's been going on.

"Sheriff, you still there?"

"Yeah, Williamson. I'm at the DA's house. I'm going in to talk to him and check in with Lawrence. Can you do me a favor?"


"Ride out to Garvey's and see if you can convince them to leave. If they won't leave town, try to talk them into coming closer into town. We'll be able to keep a better eye on everybody."

"Sure, Sheriff. Now that we have a clear knowledge of who their targets are we can protect them better."

"Thanks. I appreciate it."

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