Chapter 35

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The original plan had been for everyone to hunker down in the front lobby at Garvey's Hotel. A visit from Deputy Williamson had shot that plan all to hell. After the deputy had shared that the assailant who attacked Bonnie and Jesse that afternoon had pictures of all of them, Jackie had given in and led a mass exodus out of the hotel.

Bonnie invited them to stay with her. She didn't want to be alone because of what had happened that afternoon. Jacobs couldn't stay with her. Jesse was already at Bonnie's when they got there. When he heard that there was more than one killer and the guy had pictures of all of them, he had decided to stay over. Being a moonshiner, Jesse kept an overnight bag on his bike at all times.

Trina, Jackie, and Barb were laying down sleeping bags in Bonnie's living room floor. Jesse, Tommy, George, and Daniel were doing a weapons check with Williamson. Bonnie was in the kitchen making sandwiches. Jodi laid on the hunter green sofa with a blanket over her and pillows behind her back. She was better than she was a few days earlier, but she was still weak. Tommy had carried Jodi to the car when they left the hotel. She could walk, but it took a lot out of her.

"I feel terrible just lying here and not helping," Jodi said softly.

"Stop it. Remember when you came over and took care of me when I had the flu? I'm just returning the favor," Trina said.

"You're always there for other people, Jodi. Let us spoil you," Barb said with a smile.

Jodi shyly put her head down, but she had a small smile on her face.

"Don't lay there and pretend that you're not enjoying being treated like a princess," Jackie teased. "You're so special that Tommy couldn't let you walk on your own."

"I have my very own Prince Charming," Jodi said with a smirk.

The girls looked at Tommy.

He loved it. Tommy winked at Jodi and flexed his muscles for the ladies.

The girls giggled.

"All right, stop showing off," George joked.

"If you got it, flaunt it, that's what my mom always said," Tommy said proudly.

Bonnie came out of the kitchen carrying a plate full of sandwiches and a big bowl of chips. She sat them on the coffee table.

"You need any help?" Barb asked.

"Yeah, honey. I got to bring in soda and beer from the fridge and I popped some popcorn, too. And I got stuff to make s'mores. I was going to turn on the fireplace," Bonnie said. She looked down at Jodi. "Honey, are you sure you don't want any soup?"

"I'm positive. I'm sick of soup, been eating it for days," Jodi said softly. "I just want soda for now. I might eat a sandwich later."

"I never thought I see the day I let a couple of murdering fools run me out of my house," Jesse stated with resentment.

"Oh come on Jess, the girls got a good set up here," Williamson said. "Pretend your own a camping trip."

"Yeah, Jesse. We'll unwind and tell some old tails from Garvey's," Bonnie said.

"Sounds good to me," Williamson said with a smile.

"It could be a slap and tickle," Jesse replied.

"Help yourself, deputy. There's plenty here," Jackie said and gestured to the food. "I'm sure you've been working around the clock with hardly a break."

"No, I can't," Williamson said.

"Please, accept our hospitality as a thank you for escorting us here," Jackie said sweetly. She could tell that he was thinking about it.

"Come on, Williamson," Jodi said and coughed. "We won't tell him if you don't."

Williamson looked around the room at the grinning faces. "Those sandwiches sure do look good."

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