Chapter 33

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The trailer was a shit hole, but they had to take what they could get. Marty Schaffer sat on the hole filled faded sofa with his feet propped up on the coffee table. He looked at his list; Jackie, Jodi, Bonnie, Jacobs, George, Jesse, and last, but not least, Sheriff Matthew Kirby.

Marty had to add Jacobs's name back on the list. He didn't want the wife dead, but Marty shrugged and said, "You gotta break a few eggs to make a perfect omelet."

He's been trying to figure out how to get to Jacobs all day. Kirby was smart enough to put a guard on Jacobs. Marty didn't want to hurt the boys. Hell, they weren't responsible, but that damn Kirby was. Marty wanted him and him only. However, if it was unavoidable, Marty would run through the deputies – only as a last resort.

Paul came running in the door. He closed it. He was out of breath. "Marty, we got a problem."

"Shit, what is it?" Marty asked and put his feet on the floor.

"Ghost got arrested," Paul stated as he was sucking wind.

That wasn't part of Marty's plan, but he wasn't mad. Ghost wasn't going to talk. He hardly ever talked. "How'd that happen?"

"We were keeping an eye on Bonnie. We followed her to Jesse's house. Well, you know Ghost got a thing for blondes."

"Yeah, he can't help himself. That's his only weakness."

"He wanted to get out of the car to get a closer look. We went to a window that was open. Well, Jesse and Bonnie were getting busy on the sofa. I pulled his head down and motioned that we needed to leave. I didn't want us getting caught peeping on them," Paul said.


"He wouldn't let it go. I think he got ideas of his own. He pulled out his blade and snuck in the front door. Bonnie started screaming. Jesse attacked him. I thought about going in, but then a deputy's car was coming down the road. I wasn't going to blow my cover, so I left before the deputy saw me. Hell, I thought Ghost was going to get away, too. The kid that got out of the cruiser was smaller than me. I got back to the car and drove off."

Marty chuckled.

"Um, I thought you'd be upset."

"No, I'm not upset. Ghost got caught because he wanted to get caught. This is a good thing. He'll be on the inside. He can take down any man without killing him if he puts his mind to it. Ghost knows I don't want to kill any of the boys if I can help it. He knows what he's doing."

Paul seemed to relax. "So, what are we going to do, now? We still can't get to the Garvey twins. There are still too many people hanging around the hotel."

"Yeah, I know. We'll have to save them for last, not after Kirby, though. I want him to see the carnage, and then we'll take him out. I was thinking about breaking one of the windows and throwing a bomb in Garvey's, but that's too quick for that bitch Jackie and her meddling sister. I haven't figured it out, yet. But, I will."

"Well, in the meantime, I'm going to get something to eat out of the fridge. You want anything?"

"Nope," Marty said and stood up. "I'm going to lift weights. I get my best ideas when I'm pumping iron."

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