Chapter 42

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When they had arrived at the station, Jodi wasn't walking fast enough for Marty, so he scooped her up in the parking lot and carried her in.

The rookie and Patty were knocked out cold when they had arrived. The pale man, who Jodi learned later was called Ghost, was walking down the hall towards them. He had on an orange jumpsuit. The conversation played out in Jodi's mind.

"I told you, Paul. Ghost got captured because he wanted to be. He already took care of the pests," Marty bragged as he held Jodi in his arms. "You have time to figure out which office is Kirby's?"

The frightening man nodded and pointed down the hall.

"Aw, he didn't take my old office? Figures. Kirby needs a lot of space for that ego of his," Marty said.

"We brought you some decent clothes, Ghost," Paul stated, all the while having a gun pointed at Jackie and Bonnie. "I'll need your help bandaging this graze I got in the shootout, my friend."

Now, they were in Matt's office waiting for him to show up. Jodi knew he would. He was the bravest man she has ever known for the exception of her father. Jodi started coughing, so Paul gave her a bottled water. She sipped some of it, but saved the rest. She needed the weight of the water in the bottle to throw it at one of the pricks as a distraction if she had the opportunity. Perhaps, Jackie and Bonnie could get away.

She looked at Bonnie who was being held against the body of Ghost across the room. He nuzzled her ear as he kept a knife to her throat. Bonnie's mascara was smudged around her eyes. Two tears streamed down her full cheeks. Paul sat in a folding chair a foot away from Ghost and Bonnie. Marty sat behind the desk - in Matt's chair. He had pulled Jackie down on his lap all the while goading her and holding a gun in his other hand. Jackie looked mad, scared, and disgusted all at the same time. Marty must have really hit the weights in prison. He could work out until hell froze over, Jackie will never find him attractive again.

Jodi's heart skipped a beat when Matt appeared in the doorway. "I have to admit, you look damn good, Marty, but I don't think the lady is interested."

Paul cocked his gun and pointed it at Matt.

Jodi was relieved and petrified at the sight of him. His face and uniform were covered in dirt and soot. His thick brown hair, which was usually combed, was tousled and dirty.

Please don't die tonight, Matt.

"Howdy, Sheriff," Marty said with a big smile. "You sneaky devil. I didn't hear you come in. Guess you didn't use your radio when you saw the rookie and Patty."

"Well, it's not like there's anyone available to respond. You saw to that," Matt said.

Marty chuckled as he waved his gun around. "I couldn't have done it alone. Yes, I made the bombs, but my man Ghost over there made sure we wouldn't have any trouble when we got here. He hides lock picks on his body. A little trick he learned when he was serving in the Marines."

Paul cleared his throat.

"Oh hell, man. I didn't forget about you. Paul kept an eye on all of you and planted my surprises all over town. No one recognized him, so he was able to move around town with ease. Everyone thought he was just a tourist."

Matt's face turned red and looked over at Paul. "Paul, you fool. Why did you get involved in this?"

"I got my own ax to grind with you, Kirby," Paul said in an angry tone. "After you beat me in the election, where the odds were stacked against me, apparently, you didn't waste any time firing me. Just put me out like I was nothing. Wilson and Johnson, too. They had to leave town to find work. My landlady evicted me because I couldn't pay the rent."

"Yet, you were able to get your teeth straightened and buy contact lenses," Jackie mumbled.

"Actually, I got that new eye laser surgery. See, I had to loan myself out as a lab rat in L.A. The pay was good and they didn't need to see my resume. I just answered some medical questions and I got all kinds of things done. I expected the paycheck, but I didn't expect - well, let's say the extra benefits. I walked down the street and women just threw themselves at me. Hot dog," Paul said and slapped his knee.

"I didn't recognize him when he first came to visit me in Florence. My jaw hit the floor," Marty said with a grin. "Anyway, he started visiting me once or twice a month and we concocted this little plan. Ghost was getting out and he wanted to help me since he was a fellow framee'."

Matt scoffed and looked at Paul. "Figures. You never missed an opportunity to kiss Marty's ass."

"Hey," Marty warned harshly. "He's a real friend. Unlike you."

Matt slowly moved into the room. "We were never friends, Marty."

"You were my second in command. I wanted you to be second because of your experience. And yes, we had our differences, but you were down with the code. Imagine my surprise when David told me I was wrong about that," Marty said.

Matt slowly stepped in front of the couch that Jodi was laying on. "You overstepped your bounds, Marty. Blackmailing the district attorney and civilians. Doing coke on duty. Hell, doing coke period."

"You are no one to judge me. We saw Jodi get into the sheriff's car on the night we were looking for a place to dump Joe. Don't tell me she turned herself in for wearing tight clothing," Marty snapped.

Jodi's eyes widened at Marty's revelation. If she wasn't with Matt that night, he might have caught them dumping Joe's body. It was clearer now than it ever was before. Jodi brought nothing but trouble for Matt. Look at the situation he was in now because of her. Jackie and Bonnie looked as surprised at the revelation as Jodi did.

"With that being said, I want to ask you something?" Marty said and tightened his grip on Jackie's waist.

"Yeah? What is it?" Matt snarled.

Marty looked Matt in the eye and asked, "Do you enjoy living my life?"

"Damn it, I didn't steal your life, Marty. You fucked it up yourself," he replied. "I just got your job after you were arrested."

"Bullshit!" Marty yelled.

His yelling made Jackie tremble. Bonnie let out a whimper.

"My life was a dream. I had everything under control and the way I wanted it until you decided to team up with these two bookends and destroyed it!" Marty yelled. His hazel eyes went dark with suppressed rage.

"If that's how you see it, then let's settle this once and for all. Let the ladies go, send your henchman out of here, and let's settle it – man to man," Matt said with conviction.

Marty was silent for a minute. He was actually considering it. Then he spoke. "You don't deserve the honor to go out like a man." He pointed the gun at Jackie's stomach and cocked it.

"Damn it, Marty! You're angry at me, not her."

"I'm angry with both of you," Marty said and yanked Jackie closer to him. She let out a squeak. Their heads were touching. "How much do you know about what happened in the hotel room, Matt? Jackie here went through the charade of changing into a nightie like she was going to make love to me. Brought me matching boxers, too," Marty sneered and turned his face towards Jackie without breaking their headlock. "I really thought you wanted to get back together. In reality, you set me up to look like a fool."

Tears weld in Jackie's eyes. "I'm . . . I'm . . . sorry," she croaked out as tears fell down her cheek.

"No you're not, but don't worry, sweetheart. You will be," Marty said and quickly aimed the gun at Jodi's head and pulled the trigger.

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