Chapter 4

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Joe couldn't hold out much longer. The bastard and his two goons had tortured him all night. Now, they were threatening to stick an ice pick in his balls. He had to protect his friends, but he couldn't do it much longer. These guys were going to kill him.

"Why are you making us do this?" one of the kidnappers asked. "No one is coming for you and no one is going to find you. Look around. We're in the back of a goddamn truck."

"The only time we stop is when we need gas, Joe. If you tell us what we need to know, we'll let you go. It's that simple," the other goon said.

Joe knew that was bullshit. He was done. He would never see the light of day again. However, he wasn't going to be a rat on the way out. Damn D.J. for setting him up like this. What interest did he have in helping these assholes?

Joe raised his head. His face was swollen. His gut was sore and his feet were bloody from the nails they had stuck in them. Joe focused his one open eye on the familiar sack of shit that organized his abduction. "Fuck . . . you," Joe said with all his strength. Blood stained drool seeped from his mouth as he spoke.

"We've been at this for hours," the white guy with the bald head said. "He's not going to talk."

"You're right," Joe's old enemy said. He pulled out a pistol with a silencer from his back pocket.

Joe could only hope that his friends find out that this piece of shit was coming for them before it was too late. The last thing Joe saw was the barrel of a gun and the last thing he heard was the words of his enemy. "No, Joe, fuck you!"


The sheriff and his deputies had searched along Route 501 going out of town. They had called in the canine unit from Phoenix to help with the search. Now, they were making their way back on the opposite side of the highway going into town. It was daybreak. There were no signs of Joe's car or Joe himself.

Damn it, what the hell did he get himself into? Matt thought.

"Okay guys, the sun is coming up. We'll finish this side of the highway and go back to the other side to make sure we didn't miss anything in the dark," Matt said.

They worked their way along the side of the highway for another hour. Both German shepherds let out a bark. "Where boys?" one cop asked.

The two cops, who controlled the dogs, let them lead the way. The search party followed behind them. They had crossed into the town limits. The dogs led them to a bridge and veered off into the creek. The dogs stopped right in the middle of the creek and started barking. They didn't need to. From a few feet away Matt saw what he feared.

Joe's body lay lifeless and blooded on the side of the creek. His bare foot slightly touched the flowing water.

"Shit!" Matt exclaimed.

"Jesus," Williamson murmured and crossed himself.

"Damn, look like that guy got worked over pretty good," one of the cops from the Phoenix K-9 unit said. He looked over at Matt whose face was beet red with rage. "You knew him?"

"Yeah. I knew him," Matt said through gritted teeth.

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