Chapter 9

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They were working on their second joint and they were stoned. Trina, David, Danielle, and Bonnie had taken off their clothes and got in the pool. They hung around the edge of the pool. Jodi, Jackie, Rita, George, and Jesse sat in the chairs that they had pulled closer to the side of the pool. Daniel and Barbara had taken a few puffs and left to take a walk around the property.

They told stories about Joe as they passed the joint. Jackie sat on George's lap. Jodi had never heard Jackie giggle so much in her life.

The sound of glass breaking got their attention.

"What was that?" George asked.

"Not sure. It sounded like it came from the patio area of the hotel," Jackie said.

They kept staring in the direction where the noise came from. Then, they all got the answer that they wished George had never asked the question to.

"Jesse! Jodi! Where the fuck are ya?" an angry man roared.

"Jodi, is that Matt?" Bonnie asked.

Before Jodi could answer, Matt was barreling down upon them with fire in his eyes. He was clenching his fists. His jaw was stone.

"Shit," Jesse said and flicked the joint into the pool.

"Matt, what the hell?" David asked.

Matt didn't answer verbally. Everyone struggled to move out of the way as he knocked chairs out of his path.

"Yo, man, what the fuck?" Jesse asked.

Matt gave Jesse a left hook that would have put Floyd Mayweather under. Jesse flew back from the force of the blow and fell in the pool.

The girls screamed.

"Shit!" David said and swam over to Jesse. The girls swam behind him.

George grabbed Matt from behind. "Matt, chill out!"

Matt struggled against his grip. "Get the fuck outta that pool or I'm coming in after you!"

"Ain't nobody going after anybody. Now, calm down," George said sternly as he struggled to keep Matt under control.

Jodi and Jackie looked over in the pool. Jesse's nose was a bloody mess.

"Mothafucker . . . broke my nose," Jesse struggled to say. Blood was on his teeth as well.

Trina held Jesse's head.

"Your front teeth don't look too good either," David said with disgust. "What's the meaning of this, Matt?"

"Jesse being a sneaky ass turd! That's what this is about!" Matt yelled. "Let go of me, George, I'm not going in after him.
George slowly released him. Matt turned and crocked his finger at Jodi. "You. You're coming with me."

"No," she breathed out. "I am not."

"Yes, you are," Matt said and took hold of her upper arm and pulled her to walk with him.

"Hey!" Jackie shouted and started following them.

George grabbed her by the waist. "Baby, stay out this."

"But -" she started.

"He's not going to hurt her," George soothed.

Matt really didn't care what Jackie thought because he kept pulling Jodi towards the pool house.

What the hell is wrong with him? Who does he think he is? "Let go of me," she sneered.

He kept quiet and continued to lead her to the pool house. Before they got to the door, Jodi heard Tommy's voice from the direction of the hotel.

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