Chapter 28

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Matt walked Jacobs out of the station. They were telling each other stories about Lester. Deputy Dalton approached them. He was clean shaven and in full uniform.

"I thought I told you that you were on leave, Deputy Dalton," Matt said and placed his hands in his pocket. He knew he could use all the men he could get, but Dalton was in no condition to work. After David and Danielle's funeral, Dalton was practically non-responsive.

The sun was almost set. A set of headlights were coming from over the horizon.

Jacobs looked at his watch. "That must be Francine."

"I apologize for disobeying orders, sir, but I can't keep sitting at home. It's driving me crazy. I'm not doing anything, but drinking beer, looking at the wall, and watching other deputies drive around town. I should be with the men, especially, now. I know if you were in my position you would want to be involved to . . . catch the person or persons who killed my brother and his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins," Dalton replied.

Dalton was right. Matt was an only child, but if he had a brother he would fight tooth and nail to be on the case; so much so that he would run his own investigation if he had to. If Dalton was the type of guy Matt was, he would try to find the killers own his own. Matt figured it was best for Dalton to be with them and not out on his own. He put his hand on Dalton's shoulder. "Are you sure you can handle it?"

Dalton straightened. "Yes, sir. David and Danielle would want me to do this. I need to do this."

Dalton's jaw was set. He was ready. "All right, deputy, welcome back," Matt said.

The car got closer. Francine waved from the driver's seat. Jacobs raised his hand. Then, he turned back to them and said to Dalton, "You're a hell of a man." Jacobs offered Dalton his hand.

Dalton was about to take it when a loud blast shot out around them, knocking the three men to the ground.

They struggled to sit up. The sound of a burning fire made them look in the direction that it was coming from. Francine's car was on fire.

"Francine!" Jacobs shouted and scrambled to his feet.

Matt scrambled to stop Jacobs from running to the burning car.

The deputies ran out of the station to see what was going on.

Matt grabbed Jacobs by the front of his suit jacket. "You can't do anything for her, now!" "You're going to get yourself killed!"

Jacobs grabbed Matt by the collar. His gray eyes were wild with desperation. For a minute, Matt thought the DA was going to strike him. "Damn it, Matt! My kids could be in that car! Let go of me!" Jacobs yelled and started struggling against his grip.

The statement struck Matt's system like a bolt of electricity. His hold loosened and Jacobs broke free.

"The fire is heading for the gas tank!" Carter yelled.

Matt ran after the DA and tackled him to the ground.

"It's going to blow again! Get down!" Dalton yelled.

A blast, louder than the first, burst the burning car into pieces. The deputies who were still standing hit the ground from the explosion.

Matt was still on top of Jacobs. The DA yelled out like a bear that was under attack. His hand reached out towards the car pieces and flames. A tree branch had caught on fire. Considering the dry heat, the tree would burn in no time.

"Shit!" Matt looked over to his deputies. "Someone radio the goddamn fire department before half the town goes up in flames!"

Dalton was already on his radio. He put it down to his side and said, "They're already in route! They heard the first blast!"

The fire station was only two blocks away. Matt slowly stood to let Jacobs up, but Jacobs didn't move. The sheriff and his deputies watched a grown man cry his eyes out in the dirt. Matt glanced up and watched with regret as black smoke rolled up into the sky. He could have sworn he saw the face of a demon in the thick black haze.

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