Chapter 36

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Matt was absolutely shell-shocked by what the warden was saying on the phone. Marty Schaffer went to the chapel all the time. He spent time in the library studying chemistry, computer science, and electronics. Marty taught illiterate prisoners how to read. He worked out and lost weight.

"The next thing you'll be telling me is that he helps orphans and little old ladies," Matt stated with wide eyes.

"Your former boss has found God, Sheriff Kirby," the warden stated. "He's completely transformed. All he needed was to get off the drugs and he did it. Cold turkey."

"That's great. Is there any way I can speak to him? I have some questions about a case I'm working on," Matt said.

"Oh, that's the best news of all. I was so impressed by his transformation that I contacted the parole board and put in a good word for him."

Matt's mouth dropped open. "You what?"

"I put in a good word for Marty. I asked the parole board if they would see him before his original scheduled hearing. They agreed. Marty told them what he'd been doing while he was here. He had said when he got out he wanted to make peace with the people he had hurt. After that, he wanted to join a church ministry that worked with people who were incarcerated."

Matt's head was spinning. "Please tell me they didn't believe that crock of shit."

"Why wouldn't they believe it? It was true. I knew it and they knew it. That's why they paroled him four months ago."

"Oh my god!" Matt exploded. "It was an act you damn fool! Because of you, six people are dead." he pressed the button on his phone.

"I was right, wasn't I?" Jacobs asked with a tremor in his voice.

Matt took a couple of deep breaths to calm down. "Yeah. He's been out for four months. He was a model prisoner."

"Now, what?" Jacobs asked.

Fear gripped his heart. Jodi. "I'm going to radio Williamson and see if he's at Garvey's. I got to make sure the twins are safe."

"Bonnie," Jacobs whispered.

"I'll check on her, too," Matt said and got on his radio. "Williamson. Come in, Williamson."

Matt waited. Nothing. "Williamson, this is the sheriff. Come on back."

Williamson answered this time. "Williamson here, go ahead."

"He sounds like he got cotton balls in his mouth," Jacobs commented and sipped his bourbon.

"It's just static," Matt said. "Williamson, what's your location?"

"The Tarbox house, sir. I gave the Garvey twins and their employees an escort here."

"Oh, thank God," Jacobs said. "Bonnie is not home alone."

"Are they going to stay there?" Matt asked and clicked off his radio.

"Yes, sir. They're planning to spend a couple of days here, over."

"Good. How did you convince Jackie to leave the hotel? Over."

"I told her about the perp having pictures of everyone. That seemed to convince her that the attacks were not random."

"Good to hear that her stubbornness isn't lethal. I'll be there in five to help you secure the location, over."

Matt and Jacobs heard coughing, and then the radio went silent.

"The hell?" Matt said.

"Sorry, Sheriff. There's no need to come over. I got everything under control."

"You're not getting sick on me, are you, deputy? I need you healthy, over."

"No, sir, uh, just got something caught in my throat, over."

"All right, I'm still at the Jacobs residence."

"Copy that, over and out." Williamson had clicked off.

Matt slowly put his radio back in his holster. He saw Lawrence's cruiser pull up outside from the window.

"Lawrence is back. I'm going," Matt said.

"You're going over there, aren't you?" Jacobs asked with a smirk. "And it isn't because you don't think Williamson got everything under control."

"She had said she didn't want to see me again, but I need to see her with my own eyes. To make sure she's all right."

"There's no shame in that," Jacobs said. "With Marty on the loose, I don't blame you at all. I just wish I could come with you to see Bonnie."

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