Chapter 7

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Matt had only gotten thirty hours of sleep in eight days. The sun was setting as he parked his black Ford truck in Garvey's parking lot.

He checked the mirror in his sun visor to make sure his black tie was straight and got out of the truck. Rita, Joe's cousin and only living relative, wanted to have his wake at Garvey's. Jackie and Jodi were gracious enough to close the bar to the general public on a Friday night.

DA Jacobs and his wife walked up the sidewalk next to the bar. Matt tipped his black Stetson to Mrs. Jacobs. "Good evening," Matt said.

"I wish I could say it was good," Mrs. Jacobs stated.

"Look, we won't stay more than an hour. We're paying our respects to a young man whose parents had donated thousands of dollars to my campaign," Jacobs said.

"I know, dear. You don't have to remind me of that. The Jetsens were good people and Joe was a sweet-natured boy. I can't imagine who would want to harm him," Mrs. Jacobs said.

"But," Jacobs inquired wryly.

"But, why in the world would Joe's cousin want to have his wake in a bar, especially this bar?" she hissed. "You know what goes on here on the weekends."

"I believe Joe liked coming here to have a drink from time to time, ma'am," Matt assured her.

"Obviously. I can't imagine him partaking in the debauchery that goes on in there on the weekends," Mrs. Jacobs sneered.

Only if she knew the half of it, Matt thought.

"Dear, you promised me you'd be respectful. That includes Jodi and Jackie. They didn't have to fulfill Rita's request. They're still good girls. Also, their little attraction brings in a lot of tourists' revenue to the town. That's a fact whether you approve or not."

She grunted.

"Let's go inside shall we," Jacobs groaned.

They entered the bar. There was a big picture of Joe at the entryway. He was in his diner uniform proudly dawning his white chef's hat.

They eased into the crowd. Apparently, half the town found it appropriate to pay their respects to Joe no matter where his wake was being held.

Everyone was donned in black and white. Matt inched away from Jacobs and his wife and headed to the display that held Joe's urn. Matt looked down at the silver urn. There was a tablecloth with red rose petals sprinkled on the table. No doubt Jodi set this up. She was the creative one. Jackie was the logical twin. He noticed an open book next to Joe's urn. Matt read the messages.

Joe, I've been cutting your hair since you were five. Never thought you go before me. God's speed, son. Hector, the barber.

Matt read the message below it. Joe, when I think of you, I'll think of the good times we had in Phoenix. Jenny.

Matt continued to read. He hoped the messages would give a clue to who killed Joe. My main man, we had some wild times in Phoenix. Give God a thumbs up from me. Derek W.

There were a lot of people from Phoenix there. Maybe one of them was Joe's drug contact. Matt continued to read. He flipped the page. There were only two notes on the next page. They were from Jackie and Jodi. Joe, I'm proud to have your wake at Garvey's. Our parents were good friends and you were a good friend to me. I'll never forget how you kept the diner open late just to listen to my problems. May peace be with you. Jackie.

Matt read Jodi's message. Oh, Joe, we've known each other forever. Today we gather in your honor. When I think of you, I will think of that time when Jackie and I came to your house unexpectedly. You had mixed feelings about why we were there, but I hope you can look back now and laugh because in the end, we all got the last laugh. Too bad we didn't finish that other thing you, me, and Jackie started. xoxo Jodi.

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