Chapter 15

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Matt impatiently waited for Williamson to pick him up on the corner. The Joneses got stopped by a stoplight, but it wasn't going to stay red forever.

Williamson's truck appeared in the distance. He stopped the truck and Matt hopped in. "If they go through the last stoplight at the end of Second Street, pull over and let them get some distance. That's the way to the sawmill. We don't want to follow them too closely on a back road. It might spook them."

"That's a big 10-4," Williamson said and pulled off.

"By the way, if you ever text me again saying you can't talk now, I'll throw you through a fuckin' window," Matt threatened. He had waited and waited on Williamson for information on what was going on in the diner. Matt had finally cracked and texted him.

"I told you she was fine and she was getting something to eat before I told you I couldn't talk," Williamson said defensively.

"I didn't know what happened. What the fuck went on in there?"

"The Joneses ate and left."

"You know what I mean. Don't be coy." Matt said with agitation.

The Joneses' Escalade went through the last light on Second Street. Williamson pulled the truck over like he was parking on the sidewalk and cut off the headlights.

Matt checked his watch. He was going to give them a ten-minute head start before he continued the tail.

"I'll tell you because I want to make sure your mind is at ease about Jodi before we go into a life or death situation. She's fine. She fainted because she only had a sandwich all day."

"Oh, good grief," Matt said with astonishment. "Why would she just eat a sandwich for the whole day?"

"I don't know, Sheriff. Hell, she probably got busy running errands. Anyway, me and the Joneses helped her up. I walked her to the counter. She ordered some food and D.J. Jones paid for it. She wasn't in any danger."

"What? He paid for her dinner. You couldn't pay for it?"

Williamson laughed. "Now, how would it have looked if I started arguing with a fella that was just showing concern for a sick lady?"

"Did she eat with him?" Matt asked frantically.

"Of course, not. We sat at the counter and they went back to their booth. I stayed with her to keep an eye on the Joneses and to protect her if she needed it. I used the cover of 'keeping her company'."

"What else happened?"

Williamson smirked. "Well, Jodi was feeling better so her and Bonnie got down on all fours so we could take turns -"

Matt's neck snapped over to look at him. "Man, my gun is right in the back seat!" he yelled.

Williamson chuckled. "Relax. I'm just busting your balls a little. That's what cops do."

"Well, I'm not in the mood. What are you holding out on?"

"Oh, nothing really. The Joneses were about to leave. D.J. approached Jodi and asked how she was feeling. Just in case Jodi needed anything or if the guy she was seeing wasn't man enough for her, Jones gave her his business card."

"What? He said that?"

"Yep," Williamson replied with a smirk.

"Did she take his business card?"

"Yep, but I think she was just trying to be polite."

"Son of a bitch. She needs to be more careful."

"Relax. I got it from her."

"What do you mean?"

"I asked her if she wanted me to get rid of it for her, she said yes because she wouldn't be needing it. She only has eyes for you, Sheriff," Williamson said and pulled the business card out of his pocket.

Matt snatched it from him and read it. "D.J. Jones, Entrepreneur and Businessman." The phone number was the same one Rita gave him. "What a fucking douchebag. I'm going to break his neck."

"Good, because if this gets ugly, we're going to need you to not go easy on this guy," Williamson said.

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