Dinner party

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Tommy's: POV

"Welcome in Adam!" I said. "Thank you!" he replied. He stepped into the house and gave me a kiss.

Adam took off his jacket and hung it on a hanger. He passed a mirror and he had no reflection. A vase of red roses withered.

"That's strange, I bought these roses today!" I said confused. "Maybe it need some water!" replied Adam. "Yeah!" I said.

I introduced him to my dad and my children. Dad shook his hand and he shivered in his cold touch.

"Dinner's ready!" I said. Adam sat down at the table and started eating. "Your family is from Romania?" asked dad. "Yes!" he said. "Why did you move?" I asked. "I wanted to give my kids a better life!" replied Adam.

"I'm glad I met Chris, she's an amazing friend!" said Robin. "I wish her brother could treat her better!" replied Ian.

"Everything changed after my divorce with my ex-husband!" said Adam. "I'm sorry to hear!" replied Ron. "He left me for a rich man!" he said. "Ough!" I replied.

"I'm so excited for Halloween!" said Robin. "The best time of the year!" I replied. "No one can judge anyone!" he said. "So true!" replied Adam. "I'll be a vampire!" said Robin. "Nice choice!" he replied. "Thank you Adam!" he said.

"Maybe your obsession isn't that bad!" I replied. "My dream is to meet a real vampire!" said Robin. "It'd be cool!" replied Adam. "Do you think they exist?" he asked. "You never know!" he said and gave him a wink.


"Thank you for coming!" I said. "No problem!" replied Adam. "I'm worried about Chris!" I said. "I'll talk to her, you don't have to worry!" he replied. "Okay!" I said. "I love you!" replied Adam. "I love you too!" I said. He gave me a kiss before he left.

Adam's family are real vampires. I love him and Tommy so much❤️

I hope you liked the chapter.


Another bites the dustOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora