Bath time

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Adam's: POV


March 15th year 2003: Transylvania

"Adrian, bath time!" I called. "He ran away!" said Nikolaus. "What?" I asked. "I guess he doesn't want to bath!" he said. "I have to find him!" I replied. "Good luck!" said Nick. "Thank you!" I replied.

I turned myself into a bat and flew out. I found him in the village. I turned back and picked him up.

"Don't run away like that, don't you understand that I get worried?" I asked. "I'm sorry daddy!" said Adrian. "It's okay!" I replied. "I won't do it again!" he said. "Good boy!" I replied.

People were looking at us and they were whispering things. A woman was giving me a glance or hate.

"Come Adrian, we're not welcome here!" I said. "Is it because you're a vampire?" he asked. "Yes!" I said. We returned back to the castle.


Adrian was in the bath and he blew bubbles at me. I smiled softly at him.

"I love you daddy!" said Adrian. "Love you too!" I replied. He yawned sleepy and I smiled again.

I carried him to his room and put him to bed. I read a bedtime story for him and he hugged his bat.

"Good night daddy!" said Adrian. "Good night my son, dream sweet dreams!" I replied.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep. I kissed him on his forehead and walked out of the room.

Thank you glitterybearforever for being in the book.

The father and son relationship is so cute💕

I hope you liked the chapter.


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