Halloween party

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Christina's: POV

"Happy Birthday Chris!" said Claudia and Robin. "Thank you!" I replied and hugged my friends. "Your home is so cool!" she said. "I agree!" replied Robin.

"I can't believe you're fourteen now!" said papa. "Two years left!" I replied. "To what?" asked Claudia. "Oh, nothing!" I said quickly. "Where's your dad?" she asked. "He's sleeping, he worked late last night!" I said. "I understand!" replied Claudia.

I got nice gifts from them, they are the best friends in the whole world. After dinner we watched a horror movie.

"Where's the bathroom?" asked Claudia. "Upstairs!" I said. "Okay, I'll be right back!" she replied and left.

"Two years left until I become a vampire!" I said with a sigh. "We'll still be friends, right?" asked Robin. "Of course, I won't kill you!" I said. "You don't seem happy!" he replied. "I just want to live a normal life!" I said.

"This may sound strange, but what if someome put us in a different family!" replied Robin. "What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I don't fit in my family and you don't fit into yours!" he said. "So mean that our parents have been unfaithful to each other?" I asked. "Most likely!" said Robin. "It explains why I have never felt like a vampire!" I replied.


Claudia's: POV

I got lost on the way back to the living room. Suddenly I was down in the basement. My heart was pounding by fear.

I found a beautiful coffin and I remembered dad's words. "Vampires live among us.

I opened the lid with shaking hands. Adam was sleeping peacefully. Then he opened his red eyes and I let out a scream.

Many secrets were revealed. I have a feeling that Robin isn't Jim's son.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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