Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Samantha's POV

I couldn't open my eyes and I could barely feel my body it felt heavy and odd, but I was grateful that for once in a very long time I did not feel pain...or hunger but I did feel thirsty. My mouth was definitely dry but that was probably due to the fact that I had been passed out as I still could not open my eyes despite my many efforts. I let myself drift off again, I was still very tired and my body didn't even fight the sleep...

When I woke up again, I could hear a low beeping in the background and this time I felt like little tingles or sparks lightly shooting up my right hand. It didn't hurt it was almost pleasurable, yet my eyes were still too heavy to open so it would remain a mystery for now for what was causing it...

"Please wake up..." I heard someone whisper and I could almost swear it was Gavin's voice, but it couldn't be, I didn't even know where I was, he definitely couldn't know where I was...

I was in an out of semi-consciousness for I don't know how long each time for slightly longer periods of time, I swore sometimes someone was speaking to me, but I couldn't really concentrate on what they were saying no matter how hard I tried. All I wanted was to be able to open my eyes, but maybe I couldn't because I died and this was my afterlife.

"Sammie Please...please wake up." The person beside me begged as I started to gain consciousness again. I felt more in control of my body this time and my eyes were slowly opening but the light was too much, so I turned my head trying to block it. I heard someone moving around the room and suddenly the lights were turned off.

"Sammie?" The person whispered and I attempted to open my eyes again, they slowly fluttered open even though I still felt so weak.

"Gavin?" I whispered as I stared at him in shock, this had to be a dream, he couldn't rally be here this was my imagination only seeing what it wanted to see... He looked terrible, he looked thin and tired and so unbelievably worried.

"I'm so sorry, so, so, so sorry. I don't even know how to try and get you to forgive me..." He said distraught and I just stared at him in confusion, why was he sorry, had something else happened while I was unconscious, why was he so upset. I looked down to make sure I had all my limbs and they were definitely intact so why was he acting like he had chopped my leg off or killed my dog. I cupped his face in my hand and tried to shush him.

"What happened, what are you not telling me." I croaked, he had me so worried.

"I let this happen to you!" he yelled out as he pulled away from me gripping his hair and pacing. I was shocked and slightly horrified at his actions, he honestly blamed himself for this, putting Lucas's actions on himself as if he had carried out the torture himself? He had to be kidding me.

"Gavin...Gavin...Gavin..." I kept repeating trying to get his attention and failing miserably. I tried to sit up but I was too weak and whatever pain medicine they had me on was strong because I could barely feel a thing which was somewhat comforting at the moment especially after weeks of pain. I let out a sigh and he suddenly still at the sound.

"Are you in pain?" he asked coming back to my side.

"No, but I need you to listen to me." I replied staring at him making sure he was paying attention.

"Gavin, this is not your fault. Please don't blame yourself for this. All the blame is on Lucas, he is the only person to blame." I said softly but I saw the pain in his eyes, he was still mentally beating himself up for it and it would take time for him to stop. He nodded just so I knew he heard me. He went to speak but a doctor came walking in.

I'm Sorry AlphaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang