Regret (Part 1)

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The accords had been settled, and Team Cap had taken up residence at the compound.

Life was great.

Or was it?


It started when Peter met Sam.

Peter was in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, reading one of his textbooks, and Sam walked in. He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, so when he bumped into Peter, he just shoved him away. "Move, kid."

Peter stumbled back, dropping his textbook. "S-Sorry?"

Sam turned to look at him. "Get that book off the floor."

Peter stared at him. "I-I'm sorry, is there-"

Sam cut him off. "I said get the book off the floor! Are you an idiot as well as a slob?"

Peter bent down and grabbed the book, backing away. "No, no...I... sorry."

He left the room quickly.

Worthless, a voice murmured in his head.


Things got worse when he met Steve and Wanda.

It was a particularly bad day for Peter, it being the anniversary of his parents death.

So when Steve saw him in the lab, he assumed he was just an intern.

Peter was working on a prototype for his new suit. When Steve accidentally knocked the design onto the floor, he just picked it up.

When Steve asked him where Tony was, Peter assumed that he was talking to Friday. He knew better when he received a sharp blow across the back of his head.

"I said, where's Tony?" Steve said loudly.

Peter rubbed the back of his head. "Jeesh, man. I don't know."

Steve rolled his eyes. "Dont give me that. Where is he?"

Peter eyed him warily. "Uh... I told you. I don't know."

Steve scoffed. "You're not fooling anyone. Where is he, you little brat?"

Peter closed his eyes briefly. "Seriously, I don't know."

Steve shoved him out of his path, stalking past him. "Yeah right kid."

Peter blinked away the tears threatening to rise. "I told you. I dont know."

Wanda broke in. "Aw look. He's crying. He wants his mummy."

Peter got up then, rushing out of the room.

He paced his floor furiously, mind going a hundred miles an hour.

Eventually he donned his spiderman suit, deciding that patrol would help.

The voice was back.

No one wants you. You're worthless.


Weeks passed, and the others treated him the same way.

Natasha was the only one who still tried to take care of him.

Tony was holed up in his lab, working on something, and when Peter tried to talk to him, he was indifferent, ignoring everything that was said.

It all came to a head two weeks later.


Peter leaned on the back of the couch, watching Natasha working on her widow bites, and munching on chips.

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