I'm holding on for dear life

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Sort of suicidal? So if that triggers you don't read.

I wrote this cause I'm really stressed, and depressed, and my anxiety is horrible rn, and yeah.

Just venting, I guess.


I'm holding on for dear life.

Instantly Tony was on the alert. His kid never called him Tony. Never.

"Hey Pete. What's up?"

He kept his voice light and calm, heart racing as he pulled up vitals.

There were no injuries, but-

"I need you."

Tony froze. "Okay. Okay. I'm here, yeah? Where are you?"

"The bridge."

"Pete, bud, I-I need you to be more specific. What bridge?"

"Fifty-ninth street. Please, Tony- please I need you."

"I'm coming, Pete. Just hang on, I'll be there in just a few minutes. Are you okay?"


"Are you hurt?"


Won't look down, won't open my eyes.

"Hurt not physically?"




"Okay. I'm almost there, okay? I'll fix whatever it is."

"I don't think you can."

"Pete? Hey, you're really scaring me now. Where exactly are you on the bridge?"

"... on the top."

A cold tendril of fear stabbed through his heart.

"I'm coming bud."

"I'm scared,Tony."

"I know." He hoped the teen couldn't hear the tremor in his voice.

"I don't want to do it."

"I know, baby. I know."

The endearment slipped out naturally, sounding so right that he didn't think anything of it.

After all, Peter was his baby. His kid. 

"I don't wanna do it, Tony. I don't want to go."

Keep my glass full until morning light.

The chilling flashback from five years ago sent a jolt of fear down his spine.

"I know, Pete. I know baby."

Peter was huddled against the metal of one of the supports, blankly staring at nothing, seemingly unaware of the tears streaking his face with water.

Tony stopped several feet away, taking care not to startle the boy. "Pete?"

The teen showed no awareness of his presence, phone still clutched tightly to his ear as if it was the only thing keeping his safe.

"Peter." He tried again. "Pete. Hey. Bud, I need you to listen to me, okay? I'm right here, and you're safe. You're okay. And if you're not, that's okay too. But I need you to come away from the edge."

Barely turning his head, Peter's eyes landed on Tony's hand, where it was outstretched, ready to catch his kid.

"Tony?" His voice broke.

"Hey Spiderbaby. Think you can come over here for me?" Tony held his breath, heart pounding.

He exhaled in relief when Peter reached out, shaking hand landing in Tony's own. "I'm scared," Peter choked. "I'm scared, Tony."

Cause I'm just holding on for tonight.

"I know you are. I am too." He gently tugged the boy closer, breathing a soft sigh of relief when there was no resistance, and folded his arms around him.

Peter remained silent, twisting his head to rest over Tony's heart.

"It's going to be okay, baby," Tony whispered. "It is. It's okay if you're not okay. No one is forcing you to be. I love you, okay? Nothing is going to change that."

The teen nodded with a choked sob, slumping forward as the tension left his body. "I'm sorry-" his breathing was shallow. "I'm sorry- I'm so sorry. It just- it hurts, Tony- I can't do this anymore."

On for tonight.

"You don't have to do this alone, baby," Tony whispered, letting out a breath.

He's safe.

"You're never going to be alone, okay? Not while you have me."

"What if- what if you leave too?"

The terrified whisper split the air between them, trembling with the fear of yet another broken promise.

"I won't."

Help me I'm holding on for tonight.

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