He's my son

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This is non canon compliant.

It's about Tony and Nebula in space, and Tony missing his kid, set after IW, so that stuff still happened.

I think I'm physically incapable of writing sad endgame compliant fics.

Listen to the song he's my son by Mark Schultz while u read. It's so cute and sad.

I'm still on hiatus, but this was already almost completely done.

It's just a drabble...

So yeh.

"Mr Stark?"

The voice rang through his head on repeat.

"Mr Stark, I don't feel so good."

He can still see the way Peter had turned to him for comfort, pain filled gaze lighting on him.

"I don't- I don't know what's happening."

The boy had stumbled into his arms, trying to hide from the inevitable.

"Please, I don't know what's happening."

He had held tightly, the way a child seeks comfort from their parents.

"Please, I don't want to go."

Except Tony wasn't his parent. Couldn't even begin to come close.


And yet he loved the boy.

"I'm sorry."

More than anything, he loved the boy.

"Is he your son?"

The soft question came as the blue skinned woman helped him to the ship.

Her black eyes studied him, the ash in his hands mixing with blood. "The boy. Is he your son?"

He was grateful for her use of present tense. Peter is his kid. Not was.

"He- he wasn't my son- but he was my kid. He was my kid."

Her gaze was thoughtful. "Family is what you make of it. Thanos was my father by blood, but I do not choose to see him as such. So he isn't. You choose your own family."

He closed his eyes as she helped him to the small mattress. "Wise words, Bluebell. You could give the greatest philosophers a run for their money."

She tilted her head curiously. "What is money, and why would I run for it?"

He waved his hand vaguely in the air. "Jus' somethin' we say on earth. On Terra."

Gears whirred as she extended her hand, gently feeling his head. "You are fevered, and losing blood. You need medical attention. I will fetch the aid box."

Several minutes passed before she reappeared, holding the first aid kit. "This may burn," she murmured. "Hold still."

It did sting, but he didn't move, staring at the ceiling until she finished.

"Are you well, Stark?" Her voice was surprisingly concerned.

"Well, we lost to Thanos, and everyone disappeared, along with my kid I think of as a son, and now we're stuck in space with low fuel and barely any food or water, and I have a raging infection. Did I miss anything?"

"I believe you summed it up. We are in dire distress."

She moved out of his line of sight, then came back holding a blanket. "Terrans get cold," she explained. "The other Peter didn't do well with cold."

He smiled faintly. "Yeah. Thanks."

"Sleep, Stark. Terrans need rest. More so than me. I will keep watch."

I will get him back if it's the last thing I do.


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