Wait for you to get back.

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This is non-canon compliant, Peter is Tony's and Pepper's biological son, Civil War and Ultron never happened, and Infinity War is non-existent.

So basically I wanted irondad fluff, with a teeeeeny bit of the feels, if you know what I mean.

Okay okay I meant a lot of feels.

It's fluffy angst. Sort of.


Oh well.


"What will I do while you're gone, dad?" Seven  year old Peter had whispered sadly.

"What do you usually do?" Tony asked gently, hugging his son close.

"Wait for you to get back."


The seven year old had run to his room when they got the news, huddling under his blanket and stuffing his fist in his mouth to muffle the sobs.

No one gave Peter any details, only telling him that his dad wasn't coming home from his mission.

But they wouldn't tell him anything else.

So he waited, hiding in places that no one would think to look, and listening to the conversations that were supposedly not for his ears.

He kind of wished he hadn't done that.

Because his mom and Uncle Rhodey were scared.

They were never scared.

They said, in quiet voices, that his dad was missing.

No one knew where.

He might even be dead.

The team couldn't find him.

Aunt Nat had gone 'underground' to try and find him, whatever that meant, and Uncle Clint was with her.

Uncle Bruce was gone. He had left when they got the news, tints of green around his eyes.

His mom had cried, and held Peter close.

And Peter was scared.

He wanted his dad.

But his dad was very far away.


Peter stopped listening in on conversations.

He couldn't listen to them losing hope.

He just wanted his dad.


He barely ate, getting worried looks from Pepper and concerned inquiries.

He simply replied that he wasn't very hungry.

His dad might not have food.

He just wanted his dad.


Months later, the team still searched, almost giving up after each failed mission.

Pepper took care of Peter.

It had been months since Peter had hugged his dad.

He'd had a birthday, and still his dad didn't come.

He was probably hurt.

His dad got hurt a lot. And it made him sad, which made Peter sad.

After the aliens in New York, his dad had bad dreams.

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