T̺͆w̺͆o̺͆ f̺͆a̺͆c̺͆e̺͆d̺͆ f̺͆r̺͆e̺͆a̺͆k̺͆

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It was clear to see, if even for a split second, that the cosplayer was surprised by the detective's sudden confidence. It was unexpected to say the least due to his previous situation in a hospital after his tragic fall.. yet still, she was confident.

Every single part of her actions were predicted and calculated to the extremity and even though this was a little shocking, it didn't knock her confidence in the slightest. However, she did need to be on guard as even the roof was calculated and yet he seemed to be unbeatable. Her initial plan was to paint the detective as a person who was drowned in guilt from the previous deaths of the game, and untimely ended his life due to him not being able to continue on any longer, but that hadn't worked so far, he even survived the critical fall.. something was unnervingly unnatural about him, supernatural even, ultimately unaccountable.

"Shuichi, you're.. blinded by him, don't blame yourself, we were.. all tricked, but he showed his true colours a few days ago in fact, and all of us saw him.."

The detective frowned, shooting a quick glance over to Kokichi before returning to Tsumugi, "True colours, what do you mean by that?"

The cosplayer was laughing, cackling to herself on the inside, yet she continued to look all but a little anxious. "H-He.. tried to kill me.."

As soon as the words escaped her mouth, the entire tone of the situation escalated as murmurs around the courtroom began to rise. Shuichi couldn't resist not knowing what was going on and pressed her further for information. "T-Tried to kill you..? No, he wouldn't do that, I believe that he wouldn't."

"You don't know him at all then.. how can you defend someone that you don't even know?" Tsumugi had backed him into a corner due to his own incompetence. When did Kokichi even.. and why didn't he tell him before the trial..? It was kind of an important detail.

"Let us not get distracted, we have a trial to complete here." Kiibo proclaimed, "Now Maki, you raised an interesting point back there, you said that three people need to see the body and then the announcement will sound.."

Shuichi was still shaken up that he lost the argument.. he lost. He was usually so competent and yet he had failed a simple argument as the so called ultimate detective. What was wrong with him?

"Do you want to die? Listen carefully. I meant that either someone is lying to us about not seeing the body thinking that it could pin them as a key suspect or that an accomplice was involved, you better keep up with this." Maki folded her arms once more, answering Kiibo directly.

The robot raised an eyebrow and spoke with a surprised tome to his voice, "Given the circumstance, I can't see if there would be accomplice."

Kirumi tilted her head to the side, cupping her hands together, "Please excuse my questioning, but if only the blackened would escape if we did not discover them, then why would there be an accomplice? Wouldn't having one make the whole ordeal more riskful and even so the accomplice would not escape this school along side the blackened, it seems very one sided for an agreed arrangement.."

"Exactly! We should all listen to Kirumi! Having an accomplice would put them in danger, only a degenerate male would be so stupid." Tenko nodded as she pointed, shouting near to at the top of her lungs.

Ryoma murmured under his breath, just audibly, "I think Maki is correct, but I think it wasn't that the accomplice knowing what was going on at the time, it's last minute and fucking careless unlike Miu's plan, that was well thought out, this was in the moment, in other words the anger took control, that's all I'm gonna say, work it out by yourself."

"But Atua thinks there was only one murderer! What if it was a suicide, that is possibility, no?" Angie hmm'd, raising both of her arms in the air. Kokichi glanced up after remaining silent for the last couple of minutes as he noticed something. He had been listening to the debate and noticed few things that didn't quite make sense.

Second chance - O̺͆u̺͆m̺͆a̺͆S̺͆a̺͆i̺͆ - COMPLETENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ