T̺͆w̺͆o̺͆ k̺͆n̺͆i̺͆v̺͆e̺͆s̺͆ a̺͆r̺͆e̺͆ b̺͆e̺͆t̺͆t̺͆e̺͆r̺͆ t̺͆h̺͆a̺͆n̺͆ o̺͆n̺͆e̺͆

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Sorry this was late but to make up for it, I made this chapter longer than usual and I got tagged recently so I might do one of those..? Sorry, I'll let you read! I'll be a good author and disappear~ POOF
"Is that all sorted?" The pen was set with delicacy down upon the table, disturbing the room with a gentle clatter. On the desk there were sheets of paper, each with a set of ideas from each of the four of them.. they ranged from the gentlest ways of sedating her all the way to stabbing a blade, piercing all of her vital organs so she could bleed out in the most drawn out way possible.

In the beginning, the students were no less than reluctant but they gradually began to suggest ideas. However, despite everyone's reluctance, in the beginning, there was now a plan in action and Shuichi genuinely thought that it could work.

"So what now? We act, see if it works and not die? Tch.. it won't work, especially if Tsumugi is as clever as you say she is!" Maki, in one swift movement, scraped her hand across the table which knocked every piece of paper to the floor.

"Hey, Maki Roll! Why'd you-" Kaito perked up but Maki shot him down with one short glare, "Don't call me that unless you wanna die. The plan is too complex anyway and I don't want to be a part of it."

Shuichi had near enough had enough of her complaining as he knelt back down to pick up the sheets that she had carelessly flung to the ground. "It'll work and we have a failsafe and we can't carry it out without you. So swallow your hesitance and work this plan. We don't have any time left. We start now." After that, he placed the papers back onto the desk with a loudened slam.

The assassin swallowed her pride and waltzed towards the exit as the plan dictated, before waiting impatiently by the door, tapping her foot on the ground in an agitated fashion. Kokichi took that as the sign that he had to part with Shuichi. They'd agreed that the best plan would be to split up, but that didn't make the prospect any easier to grasp when it was put into practice.

Shuichi walked towards him with slow steps, finally cupping his face in his hand once they were close enough together. He lent in and planted a gentle, delicate kiss on his liar's lips before attempting to force himself away, despite how much that made him want to cling on and never let go. Kokichi was the same so he didn't let go so easily and grabbed onto Shuichi's waist, pulling him in close for the longest hug that they had ever shared. But within it, their feelings towards each other were crystal clear.

Fear. Happiness. Love.

Whilst they were hugging, they kept each other close and spoke directly into each other's ears, so their conversation would only remain between them until the day they died. It was their special moment, their farewells and goodbyes, so no one else would be allowed to hear it.

"I've never liked.. g-goodbyes.." Kokichi choked out, cursing under his breath at his stutter.

"Neither have I."

"So let's call it.. see you later alligator, alright Shumai? My Shumai.. forever, right? That's what you said.. you promised and you wouldn't leave me, I know you wouldn't.. so I've got nothing to be scared of!~" he kept talking and rambling on and on and on. Of course, he didn't want to let go but the main reason was to try and convince himself of the lies he was explaining.

Shuichi couldn't manage out a long paragraph or even more than a sentence as his grip tightened around the other. "I-In a while.. crocodile.."

Then the two parted and headed off in their own separate directions, faces hardening with the reality of the task at hand.

Shuichi's plan was crazy, verging on impossible, but that's where its cleverness lied, in the detail. Nothing hadn't been accounted for as long as the five of them complete their tasks in beautiful efficient pieces of clockwork.

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